The more I read this article the more I become convinced that it is some hack photoshop job, or some kind of scam cooked up by an obsesive Xbox fanboy. Now normaly I would be the last person to propose any kind of a conspiracy theory when I see one (or two) of the consoles I like getting bashed, but lets analyze the article to find the evidence.
1. The subtitle for the article reads "Don\'t buy a PS2, GC or X-Box until you read this article". Okay that\'s fine, the reader can expect a fairly well balanced comparisson of all three consoles. But then the author opens by saying that since he\'s already played the PS2 at home he\'ll just dissmiss it! WTF is this supposed to mean? Even if this idiot author already played the system he should assume that readers of the article have not, and hence he has a responibility as a journalist to inform them of its characteristics and features.
2. Next he goes and states that the Gamecube looks more like a "lunchbox" than a "serious game machine". Everyone knows that the term lunchbox is something your average message board fanboy spews around as a jab at the Gamecube\'s design, and no serious journalist would be likely to draw this parallel. Any serious journalist would also remember to note that the GC is available in 5 colors in addition to purple.
3. The author then goes on to make typical fanboy defenses of all of the points that the Xbox is normally criticized on. Starting of with the fact that some games look rather lackluster (4x4 Evo and NHL Hitz 2002), but he dissmisses this by saying that they are "not worthy of such a powerful plataform." Then he states that all the other games are keepers, which is obviously a blatant exaggeration (although this could geniuinely be attributed to presonal taste it seems unlikely that anyone would make such a statement. The author names PGR and Halo as outstanding titles, which is reasonable enough, although he mistakenly calls PGR a simulation. Now I might be streching my conspiracy theory a bit much with this one, but it seems possible that he could have called PGR a simulation so as to make it seem that it competes directly with GT3 and, if you believe his statements, beats it "hands down". Next he mentions two lackluster titles, with mediocre graphics at best, as titles worth trying for the graphics. It seems to me these were the only other titles this loser had in his collection, why else would he mention such an unusual pair of games? Lastly he defends the Xbox\'s akward controller with the typical "once you get used to it it\'s great!"
4. His comparison of Madden on all three consoles is just wrong. Although Madden might look slightly better on Xbox than the other two systems (and I\'m not even sure you can tell the difference between the GC and Xbox version) there is now way that it blows them away. As a matter if you want to "shed some serious light" on the graphics issue Madden 2002 is probably the worst possible game you could choose, due to the fact that all 3 versions are nearly indistinguishable.
5. Lastly, his conclusion just screams biased. He glorifies the Xbox, disregards the GC as a kiddy system, and then goes on to say that unless you want to actually play games on your system as soon as you purchase it you shouldn\'t even bother with the PS2.
Well, that was my shot at being a conspiracy theorist. I hope it didn\'t sound overtly ridiculous, but I guess we\'ll know when somebody actually reads Pop. Sience issue Feb. 2002.