and once you have a processor a console isn\'t too far behind. I often wonder sometimes why people even say things like that
First off, 2005 is a projected date, it\'s not soild, anything could happen. Also if the chip does come out 2005 it will take at least a year before the console is released.
Anyhow I really look forward to SONY\'s new console, I have a feeling it\'s going to kick major ass, and not turn out to be a dissapointment like PS2. I\'m sure Sony\'s has learned there lesson from the PS2. Hopefully Sony releases there console in JAPAN/North America 1 month apart. Don\'t you guy just hate it when something new like this comes out and you can\'t buy it for many months to come, when you know it\'s already out in the consumer market(japan\'s market)
Go Sony Go!.......same goes for MS, unfortunatly I can\'t say the same for Nintendo, I could care less what they have in store.