But VF4 was a port of the Naomi2 hardware.
It was not built from scratch on the PS2. You of all should know that PS2 reqiuers "1337" (I just said that at a lame attempt trying to be funny, the real word is spacific) programming knowledge
We will see SEGAs next game.. Hopefully NOT a port.
SEGAs CEO has said "VF4 is just the beginning"
Btw, I cant beleive you still are using that "Not finished hardware" crap MS though up during the very unimpressive E3, TGS and Gamestock shows.
The"not finished hardware" issue,as you define it "crap",it\'s simply the truth,and it\'s what happened to PS2 at first...when most of the games looked inferior than the best DC games...
...and there were a lot of people,me included,who\'s been saying for months and months to wait at least two years to see the potential of this "incredible" console...the untapped power...and now you\'re complaining about the first E3 for the XBox ? after 2 years there\'re not games on PS2 which can compete graphically with Halo and DOA3...and people try to find an excuse? bla bla it\'s a port from the arcade,it\'s the first attempt...and what is it DOA3? It\'s a launch game developed on unfinished hardware...why crap? it\'s the truth! Give the XBox the same time we gave to PS2 before talking crap...*Show me on the XBox something that blows J&D out of the water*...after 3 months from Launch? When PS2 couldn\'t even compare to DC at first...
XBox is a complex piece of hardware and needs a lot more time to bu fully maximized...PS2 is not exclusive to this...
Btw while we are talking graphics I think SC2 will be the most impressive, its developed on System 246 which is basically the PS2 (I don’t know if it has more main memory though) and therefore it should not be a problem “porting” it to PS2.
I wonder how the other 2 ports will turn out, considering its programmed for PS2 and uses PS2 specific code.
The System 246 has a lot more RAM than PS2 and from what I\'ve seen DOA3 looks still better!
Ofcouse.. But by how much? You really believe that 3x crap?
Well...it\'s difficult to quantify how much a console is more powerful than another,the term "power" is too generic and there\'re a lot of factors to consider...
I think PS2 is 3-4 times more powerful than DC in some areas,and more or less the same in some other...but...looking at the games,when PS2 was released...would you have said that?
It\'s the reason why XBox could be even 3 times more powerful than PS2...and you could not notice it through your eyes! 3 times more powerful,overall,doesn\'t mean that games will look like film...
...the hardware could process the same number of polys with a lot more instructions for poly...proving hypothetically to be 2x more powerful in that area,and you could not notice the 2x factor,because your eyes can\'t measure it!
I was very impressed by Jak and Daxter.
The drawdistance was the best thing about it. (talking graphics wise)
ND talked about a Next Gen Game,next gen graphics and next gen game-play ----> people\'s expectation grew ----> me played J&D ----> me not happy !
Nothing new about game-play,nothing!
I\'m glad for you...if you were impressed by this game!
IMO I\'ll look at XBox games with the same critical eye...
...I\'ll play Project Ego...and a lot of other games...and then!...only then I\'ll judge...I\'ll give the XBox the time it needs!...as I did with PS2!
So why are you *****ing about it? Complain on the developers, not PS2!
I said XBox has more potential...only this...and I\'m sorry people got into a huff...
Obviously the developers make the difference...and sure great developers will make wonderful things on the XBox...so...why missig the opportunity to play great games on the X?
Shouldn\'t it be better to wait a little more instead of bashing the X like scared kids?