>"I don\'t think it\'s a render...it\'s a XBox pic !
You poor Chrono fanboy"
What evidence do you have to support your claim?
One of the screenshots clearly says playstation on the car, thats a hell of alot more evidence then you have included in your argument.
So, are you going to answer my question? Why does it say Playstation on the car? Btw, do you like to pick and choose what things you debate on? Even though you very well started the debate..
Funny thing is, i\'ve yet to call you a fanboy, yet you say it to me every chance you get.. even though the questions I raised were not fanboy questions.. I think your insecure about your console..
Explain to me how I was a fanboy in this topic, beacuse you seem to think everything is a fanboy.
>"Oh and dont forget MS likes to use Photoshop with their games. (Render a image at 1900x1200 and then downsize it to 640x480 and you get a picture perfect look..) "
Lol, so true fastson, so true