Oh yeah like as if Terroriest are going to Launch a Nuke :rolleyes:
this System is useless against anything other than a ICBM !
what would happen if they smuggle it in to the US and blow it up while its parked i a car only Yards away From the White House !
Dman this missile "SHEILD "
this Fooking thing will be the end of My Country !
due to !
- Terroriests will now target the UK and other European Countries for alowing the missile "SHEILD " tracking stations to be built and run!
- The System ONLY protects the US !, enemy nations will target UK and Europe First.
- What Happend to the destoryed missile if its flying over one of our conutrys ! (falling fragments could cause civilian deaths !)
its just typical US military strategy !
FOOK the Rest of the World We are ok !
just don\'t Expect any support from us when you want to attack IRAQ you bunch of WARMONGERS !
if you think i am some kind of manman then think of this !
the Development of an "ANTI-Nuclear" Weapon will only Lead to a NEW ARMS RACE !
As other countries develop their own versions !
ah well i supose thats what we get when a Village idiot is Alowed to BUY his Way into the White House :rolleyes: