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Author Topic: INCREDIBLE New Project Ego/Fable Screens  (Read 2795 times)

Offline ooseven
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INCREDIBLE New Project Ego/Fable Screens
« Reply #30 on: March 31, 2002, 07:07:29 AM »
Originally posted by Bobs_Hardware

one can only hope he tells us about the gameplay pretty soon..

What like he did with BLACK and White :rolleyes:

Black and White

Peter M "oh you ill be able to interact with Ecosystems on a large or small scale... you can sit all day watching the villagears grow old And Die ...YoU can EVEN plant Trees and watch them GROW BLAH BLAH BLAH !!!!!!!!!"

Press Guy " but what about the GAMEPLAY ?"

Peter M "GAMEPLAY ????? what the HELL is that ? , you have a creature with superb AI"

Press Guy " Cool so what about Enemy AI ??"

Peter M "Enemy AI ? ..... i don\'t think this game needs it !"

RESULT : well over half the features where NEVER implimneted and the GAME as released 2 whole years over due !

Project Over inflated EGO

Peter M "oh you ill be able to interact with Ecosystems on a large or small scale... you can sit all day watching the villagears grow old And Die ...YoU can EVEN plant Trees and watch them GROW BLAH BLAH BLAH !!!!!!!!!"

Press Guy " but what about the GAMEPLAY ?"

Peter M "GAMEPLAY ????? what the HELL is that ? , "

Press Guy " So will it be Playable for E3 2002 ??"

Peter M "Oh come one FFS .... you should know me by now... there will be only a Trailer and its still pitures with Enya playing the the background.......now be off with you i have to go and praise my OVER inflated EGO and get my Sweedish love slave to rub my Boldy HEAD !"
“If you’re talking about sheep or goats, there could be some issues,” [/color]

Offline Watchdog
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INCREDIBLE New Project Ego/Fable Screens
« Reply #31 on: March 31, 2002, 06:35:16 PM »
SonyFan read a book and then get back to me--you are cracking me up.
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Offline fastson
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INCREDIBLE New Project Ego/Fable Screens
« Reply #32 on: March 31, 2002, 06:56:13 PM »
Originally posted by ooseven

Peter M "Oh come one FFS .... you should know me by now... there will be only a Trailer and its still pitures with Enya playing the the background.......now be off with you i have to go and praise my OVER inflated EGO and get my Sweedish love slave to rub my Boldy HEAD !"

That would be me :shy:
\"Behold, my son, with how little wisdom the world is governed\"
-Axel Oxenstierna 1648

Offline cloud345
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INCREDIBLE New Project Ego/Fable Screens
« Reply #33 on: March 31, 2002, 07:13:12 PM »
Project Ego as ONE BIG GIMMIC  copyrighted ooseven© 2002

  Aww poopy! He copy righted it! :mad:

[size=20] ONE BIG GIMMIK copyrighted cloud345c  2002 [/size]

 Ya look at that notice the k in gimmik and its red + bigger. So I still get my fun! :D
  2. Grandia
  3. MGS
Is it me? Or does PSone own all the other systems?

Offline cloud345
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« Reply #34 on: March 31, 2002, 07:31:31 PM »
I played Diablo 2 for two years. Sure it had a story, but after killing Diablo for the 100th time I didn\'t really care. Story isn\'t everything, actually, when was the last time a video game had a story that was actually compelling?

 You kidding right? Hmm when was the last time......when oh when?

Grandia 2
Jack and Daxter
Baldours gate
Rayman 2
Dark Cloud

  Please correct me if im wrong but didnt the story of FFX and MGS2 want you to keep playing till the end? Dark Cloud\'s story was great. The way you rebuilt towns was just awsome. Lets not forget te best storyline in gaming history! Though it came out a couple of years ago ff7 was the best game I have ever played. Grandia\'s story had me playing to the end. Which I never finished because I mostly tried to avoid battles. Rayman 2 which I havent fiished yet has had a great story so far.

  The real question you should be asking is when is the last time X-Box and GC has had a compelling story.
  2. Grandia
  3. MGS
Is it me? Or does PSone own all the other systems?

Offline Bobs_Hardware

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INCREDIBLE New Project Ego/Fable Screens
« Reply #35 on: March 31, 2002, 08:08:47 PM »
you missed his point cloud..


Offline SonyFan
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INCREDIBLE New Project Ego/Fable Screens
« Reply #36 on: March 31, 2002, 09:01:06 PM »
SonyFan read a book and then get back to me--you are cracking me up. - Watchdog

Watchdog, you don\'t have a clue what you\'re talking about -- you\'re cracking me up even more trying to defend a weak, opinionated, and anal retentive point.  As far as books, I suggest you pick up The Complete H.G. Well\'s short story collection. Time Machine, A slip under the Microscope, A story of days to come, and Under the Knife are all very excellent stories.

Games are a different media than books, and rely on many more factors than pure litterate skill in order to make them good. Many games (Including some written by talented authors like Jane Jenson and Raymond E. Feist) have excellent storylines which you are too "conviently" oblivious to.

Christ, by your logic, I say we take all musical scores out of every movie comming out this summer. No music at all, since it cannot possibly compair to the likes of "Real" music such as Beethoven or Chopan. Music isn\'t important to movies anyhow...  See how stupid that sounds? See how stupid you sound?

Just because many games can\'t live up to some great works of literature, doesn\'t mean that storylines aren\'t important.

BTW: Play Gabriel Knight: Sins of the Father, before dismissing it. If you\'re not too blinded by your need to be "right" and if you\'re bright enough to actually make your way out of the first scene, then maybe you\'ll find a new appreceation for games which mix excellent gameplay with rich and innovative narratives.

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INCREDIBLE New Project Ego/Fable Screens
« Reply #37 on: March 31, 2002, 09:44:07 PM »
Music isn\'t important to movies anyhow... See how stupid that sounds? See how stupid you sound?

Beautiful quote.  Couldn\'t have said it better myself.
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Offline Watchdog
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« Reply #38 on: April 01, 2002, 09:17:26 AM »
I have played Gabriel Knight and read Time Machine.  Time Machine was good, but it\'s still mind-rot, it\'s not literature.  It\'s like Steven King--pulp fiction.

And your point about music in movies is completely wrong.  Have you listened to the score for LOR, American BVeauty or 2001?  They are very musically sound.

I\'m just saying that the writing and the ideas are old.  THey take the same themes and archetypes and recycle them endlessly.  I\'ve never said to take them out all together, but I\'ve never played a game and been blown away by the story.  And yet another inane point:  when was the last time me or anyone bought a sound track for a video game?

There is no comparison to the real professionals of the craft, but that doesn\'t mean I would like to see them taken out altogether.
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Offline Bobs_Hardware

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« Reply #39 on: April 01, 2002, 09:39:19 AM »
Watchdog you were way off

you missed his point about music in movies
i know lots of people with sound tracks, or at least who download them

and blah blah blah, think what you like, but i like being blown away by videogame storylines

MGS2 literally did blow me away.. guess its a pity you missed out on it

:shy: *waits for SonyFan*

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« Reply #40 on: April 01, 2002, 11:34:09 AM »
Time Machine was good, but it\'s still mind-rot, it\'s not literature. It\'s like Steven King--pulp fiction. - Watchdog

That\'s some of the most innane drivel I\'ve heard in a long time. Time Machine is Mind Rot.. ? H.G. Wells, one of the most highly respected british authors of the 19th century, is a writer of pulp fiction? I think you should be reading that book again.

And your point about music in movies is completely wrong. Have you listened to the score for LOR, American BVeauty or 2001? They are very musically sound. - Watchdog

Well DUH! What I was saying was sarcasm, an illustration. You\'re saying that videogame storylines shouldn\'t be included because they cannot match the skill and craftmanship of some of the worlds great authors. Yet, by that logic, even the soundtracks to those movies (while musically sound) cannot compair to the likes of Beethoven, Mozart, or any of the great musical masters of history.

But why stop at movies? Lets take the music out of games too, seeing as how that can\'t compair either. Hmm, I haven\'t seen graphics on any console with the depth and talent which goes into the VanGott or Picasso\'s paitings, so lets take all artistic flair from games too. Your point is weak man, no matter how you look at it. You may prefer Arcadish games that are meant to be picked up - played - and walked away from.. but you are no-where near the majority of gamers. Most people enjoy having more meat and grissle to our games, which includes storylines, even if they can\'t compair to a 400 page novel written by the top talented novelists of all time.

I personally couldn\'t stand a videogame industry where every game turned out was as simple as pole position. I\'d like to see the industry grow, and branch out to new directions.

There is no comparison to the real professionals of the craft, but that doesn\'t mean I would like to see them taken out altogether. - Watchdog

It sounds to me like you\'re just *****ing for sake of *****ing. I think you also need to take a good look at the form of media you\'re compairing. You shouldn\'t even be compairing them in the first place. A book is written to tell a story, A movie is written to tell a story, a game is written to provide a mental and reflexation challenge. The very fact that certain videogames have stories as good as they do is a testiment to just how fast the industry is expanding considering that it started out not depending on storyline at all.

You cliche\'d point is weak too, since you insist on drawing parallels to different media types, because you could say that about most all forms of storytelling. Even as far back as Homer\'s Illiad and Oddesey people were telling epic tales of a protagonist who braves insurmountable odds for glory and the love. Look at the core of each story you read, break it down, and I think you\'ll find that storytelling has actually changed very little over the centuries. Hell, wasn\'t it Shakespear who once said "What ho, it\'s been done. There\'s nothing new under the sun."

Oh, and by the way, since you\'ve played GK before would you mind giving me an example of it\'s storyline and just how you feel that it\'s cliched?
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What have I become? To myself I am numb. ~ Ben Harper
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Offline BizioEE

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INCREDIBLE New Project Ego/Fable Screens
« Reply #41 on: April 01, 2002, 12:11:24 PM »
Originally posted by ooseven

Pffffttt yeah darn tooting i mean who care about the little fact known as GAMEPLAY..

i mean i just want to stare at Nice Looking Graphics for hourse on end. After all when i come home i just want to play Virtual Tree Planter ...errr sorry Project Ego for Hours

/me pretends to trade in my PS2 plue 27 games for a X box !

"did i Fool him ? ! ? ! ?"  ;)

I think you\'re fooling yourself...try to respect the opinion of the other members mod of my penis!:)
« Last Edit: April 01, 2002, 12:14:08 PM by BizioEE »
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Girl: What power… beyond my expectations?
Demon: No… the legendary Sparda!?
Dante: You\'re right, but I\'m his son Dante!

Offline ooseven
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INCREDIBLE New Project Ego/Fable Screens
« Reply #42 on: April 01, 2002, 12:26:56 PM »
Originally posted by BizioEE

I think you\'re fooling yourself...try to respect the opinion of the other members mod of my penis!:)

//me Checks

No i don\'t think i am... last time i looked BLACK and WHITE as a Piece of over hyped Virtual Watching pain dry !

and by the Sounds of things So is Project over inflated EGO !
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Offline Watchdog
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INCREDIBLE New Project Ego/Fable Screens
« Reply #43 on: April 02, 2002, 06:28:38 AM »
You know, I didn’t really pay much attention to this thread or this argument, but since you are such an arrogant lad, I think I’ll chime in more seriously this time.

Hey that’s fine if you think Time Machine is one of the best novels evar!  I know someone whose favourite movie is Armageddon.  It’s absurd that you overlook ****ens, Thackeray, Bronte (both of them), Elliot, Meredith, Trollope—I could go on.  Ever heard of them?  As for him being one of the most respected authors of the 19th century—please.  He was a Science Fiction writer and even speaking historically, his work isn’t in the same league as Orwell and Huxley.  War of the Worlds?  Island of Dr. Moreau?  The Invisible Man?  You think those works are more important to literature than Nineteen-Eighty-Four or Brave New World?  Or even Animal Farm?  

And when you actually talk about all 19th century authors, as you have so thoughtfully done, did you forget Great Expectations, David Coperfield, Vanity Fair, Jane Eyre, Wuthering Heights, Middlemarch, Barchester Towers? Hmm.

You could conceivably make an argument that he is a prominent and important science fiction author, but to align him with the true greats is absolutely obscene.  I have a masters in English Language and Literature, and have read more in one semester than most people will in their entire lives.  It’s obvious that you lack even a semblance of historical perspective—please, so you don’t embarrass yourself any further, take a survey of Brit lit and get back to me.

So instead of suggesting that I reread Time Machine, perhaps you should just read.

And I NEVER said I would like to remove storylines from video games (or music from movies).  It’s people like you whose argument is so slender that it takes a complete reworking of someone else’s text so that their own feeble argument can stand up.  I just said there is no comparison.  When I want a good story I read a book.  When I want good music, I use my stereo.  When I want to play games, I play games.  So no, there hasn’t been a good story in a video game, nothing original, technically sound or deep.  And I’ll say this again, for the FOURTH time this thread (and you reading carefully Sonyfan?), I do not want to see the complete removal of storylines from videogames.

I personally couldn\'t stand a videogame industry where every game turned out was as simple as pole position. I\'d like to see the industry grow, and branch out to new directions.

Neither could I; so would I.  And that’s why I said I’d like to see VG companies hire PROFESSIONAL writers.  Why didn’t Rockstar get a professional comic book illustrator and writer to do Max Payne?  It certainly would have been much better.

Hey, if my comment was so obvious why spark this debate?  If there is no comparison between a good novelist and VG writers (which I’ve always maintained), why go through all of this just to concede my point 2 pages later?  The VG industry is growing, but you can’t magically become good writers overnight.  Which is why I suggested they actually hire writers or at least consult with one.
Yes you can break any story down to its essentials and say there are only 4 storylines.  But that’s not being fair to the medium.  With VGs, the stories are just that, stripped down and generic; however, with a talented novelist, there are narratological techniques, depth of character, perspective, allusions and so on that make it much more than the sum of its core.  Truly great literature offers something to the reader, deals with high themes and gives the reader something intangible to walk away with, something to consider long after the last chapter is read.  With VGs, so often is the ending so terrible and rushed, the player is left with loose ends and improbable and/or impossible outcomes that make little or no sense at all.  And the endings are only marginally worse than what preceded it, unfortunately: You killed my family member so I will hunt you down; or monsters are threatening humanity I must save them, I am the last chance earth has! Or the FBI and the police are infidels, I a lowly nobody will solve the murder and apprehend the suspect/solve the crime (Gabriel Knight).  I must save the .

This is not the stuff of great fiction.  I’m sorry.

More on GK: It was a while ago so bear with me.  Voodoo murders.  You have lots of dreams, in one of them you get a key when you kill the dragon.  Wolfgang, a friend, rips his own heart out so you can open some box—he even puts it in place before he dies—lol!  You love this descendant of a slave that your father (?) once loved.  There are at least two endings, one where both you and your love die and the other where your love commits suicide for the greater good—aww, that’s sweet.  Or is it the one with the Vampires?  (I hope not because I’m sure you’ll have a fit if I’m wrong.)

On second thought, you are right, it’s a wonderful story and I’m sure it’ll be anthologized for future generations to enjoy.  I implore you, read a book.
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Offline Bobs_Hardware

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INCREDIBLE New Project Ego/Fable Screens
« Reply #44 on: April 02, 2002, 06:35:27 AM »
ugh, so sad  :)  just because you have been spoiled with \'great literature\' that you cant fall in love with the charm of a simple videogame..


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