Plant a Tree, watch it grow...
Build a house, watch it become decrepid...
Start a new life, become anything you want (bum, warrior, etc)
That\'s all fine and good, but here\'s MY question...
Why do I want to play it? Yes, exploration is fun, but if there\'s no point, then why bother? Besides that, I can become a bum and not do anything, then what happens? What\'s the purpose? FFX has Sin (Syn?), FF7 had Sephiroth, Vagrant Story started as a murder mystery, Chrono Trigger... all the great RPG\'s had great stories and great settings as well as great villains and great purposes that made you want to continue with the game.
Just what point does Project Ego have? Simple questions should have simple answers, and I don\'t want to hear some stupid quote from PM saying "How great my game will be!!" whatever.