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Author Topic: Sega, how stupid can we get  (Read 1962 times)

Offline Chrono
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Sega, how stupid can we get
« on: April 05, 2002, 01:29:47 PM »
Sega delayed the Skies of Arcadia port to the ps2 to 2004
Now, who the heck takes 3 years to port a RPG?

However, the NGC version is still on track for 2003 though..

By the time SOA comes out, there will be so many rpgs on the ps2, it will be forgotten

If sega had any sense it would put the ps2 version on priority before the RPG rush takes place.. but I think its already too late for that.

I think sega will manage to fail even at a 3rd party beacuse of bad buisness descisions.. the reason the DC failed.

(see gamespot for the story)

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Sega, how stupid can we get
« Reply #1 on: April 05, 2002, 02:03:27 PM »
It\'s a little silly.. Grandia II came out at the same time as SOA did.. and that\'s already on PS2. Then again, that port sucked. Still, SOA should be out in 2003. This fiscal year ends in March 2003, so SOA for PS2 could be out in April at the earliest. :)
What is up, buttercup? Down is the new up.

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Sega, how stupid can we get
« Reply #2 on: April 05, 2002, 02:07:26 PM »
Sega is great at making games and even BETTER at making dumb business decisions.

"Hmm...let\'s see...duh....there are over 30 million PS2\'s in the world. There are less than 6 million Xbox\'s. Umm...let\'s make more games for the Xbox but announce that we\'ll be supporting the PS2 MORE! Yep. We don\'t want to make THAT much money, do we?"

Why am I not surprised that they\'re delaying a high quality RPG for the PS2 (cha-ching!) and not for the GC?
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Sega, how stupid can we get
« Reply #3 on: April 05, 2002, 02:28:03 PM »
Part of Sega\'s fat slogan into making a name for themselves, they appear to be attemtping at being "big dog" while trying to increase X-box\'s fanbase. While I don\'t think theres an award for that, going out of their way and helping our M$, it really is evident that Sega is doing it\'s best into making a X-box fanbase as big as Sony\'s [insert joke here].

My god, by the time 2004 rolls around, we\'ll be nit picking so much, we\'ll be complaining that games don\'t run at 1280x1024x64x12 FSAA @ 100FPS (the 64 represents 64 bit color, if by then they somehow manage, maybe 52bit color aka OverBright? (3dfx?)). By 04\' we\'ll be seeing the first impressions of PS3!
You think positive, I\'ll think realistic.

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Sega, how stupid can we get
« Reply #4 on: April 05, 2002, 02:46:06 PM »
I absolutely loved Skies of Arcadia, infact I hold it to be the best RPG I\'ve played in terms of overall package.  (Before anyone mentions FFX, I didn\'t like the story.)

I do not however see how it would stand up against the likes of the upcoming RPGs by 2003 or 04.  UNLESS, they are completely revamping the graphics and evolving the simpilistic battle system.  

Either way, hopes for a much wanted sequel in the near future just got blown away...I\'m sad now.:(

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Sega, how stupid can we get
« Reply #5 on: April 05, 2002, 02:54:14 PM »
Sega has a lot of solid titles coming to PS2.. but it\'s true that the buzz is on their GCN/Xbox efforts.
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Offline Chrono
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Sega, how stupid can we get
« Reply #6 on: April 05, 2002, 02:57:03 PM »
then to top it all off

the same day they annouce a "arcade perfect" port of Virtua Cop 1&2 with no improvements..
NO IMPROVEMENTS additions or anything.. wonderfull

they aparently don\'t care about providing new content for ps2 owners, and instead just use them.

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Sega, how stupid can we get
« Reply #7 on: April 05, 2002, 02:58:49 PM »
Sega has a lot of solid titles coming to PS2.. but it\'s true that the buzz is on their GCN/Xbox efforts.

Name some unique content thats not a DC or Saturn port thats coming out besides gungrave.. you can find at least 3 titles if it has "alot" of solid titles coming out can\'t you?

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Sega, how stupid can we get
« Reply #8 on: April 05, 2002, 02:59:16 PM »
sega looks like they wanna take the reigns of "console whore" away from midway
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Sega, how stupid can we get
« Reply #9 on: April 05, 2002, 03:15:11 PM »
Chrono: Lemme see.. Virtua Fighter 4, Rez, Space Channel 5 Part 2.. .... ..... Virtua Fighter 4.. :shy:

Wow, it\'s true. And those aren\'t upcoming games either.
What is up, buttercup? Down is the new up.

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Sega, how stupid can we get
« Reply #10 on: April 05, 2002, 03:19:12 PM »
I have no problem with sega releasing games on the xbox and NGC, obviously if sega is to become a top developer they need to support all consoles. But it appears they are igoring the ps2 and focusing on the xbox and NGC...
Good thing I bought my ps2 for RPGs

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Sega, how stupid can we get
« Reply #11 on: April 05, 2002, 03:40:32 PM »
I absolutely loved Skies of Arcadia, infact I hold it to be the best RPG I\'ve played in terms of overall package. (Before anyone mentions FFX, I didn\'t like the story.)

 Now ginko....did you play all of the ff\'s? or just 10. Cause if you played 7 then you would maybe change your mind. but then again if I played SOA I may change my mind.
  2. Grandia
  3. MGS
Is it me? Or does PSone own all the other systems?

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Sega, how stupid can we get
« Reply #12 on: April 05, 2002, 05:38:22 PM »
But it appears they are igoring the ps2 and focusing on the xbox and NGC... - Chrono

Your right, that\'s what they appear to be doing. Really, it\'s nothing more than that. I\'ve already had this discussion with Blade, and Sega is distributing their efforts pretty evenly. So what if many of them are just ports from the Dreamcast? Most PS2 owners never would have given them the time of day while they were still exclusive to the DC. So their new to the vast majority of PS2 gamers anyhow at least. Sega\'s actually being smart by putting all these ports on the PS2 anyhow. Since it costs a fraction as much to make a port compaired to a full game, they\'ll toss over all their well-known and already hyped games the PS2\'s way to make some quick easy bucks, and support other consoles with newer games to generate interest and growth in the market. If the Xbox and NGC sales don\'t shape up in a year or two, I think things will turn around a bit. Being 3rd party gives Sega something they never had before... flexability. We\'ll see how well they adapt before passing judgement.

As far as SOA is concerned, I can only think of a few possiblities. Either their doing a massive upgrade to storyline and graphics, creating a sequel from the port, or they\'re canceling it but don\'t want to loose the games-to-different consoles ratio they have just yet.

Sega isn\'t quite the king of 3rd party screwups just yet. I think Sierra takes that particular piece of cake with Half-Life. I mean, who in the hell ports a game to an Internet ready console WITHOUT network support.. and then cancels the game just as it\'s being ready to be pressed and shipped? After all that money they spent, they had the game 100% complete, fully advertised, and hyped to f*ck all & back... and THEN decided to cancel. What a waste. They could have very easily turned a small profit in the time between when HL was supposed to launch, and when the DC started actually dissapearing from shelves. It would have been a premier game, EXPECIALLY when the DC cost a paltry $50.....

Morons... :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes:
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Sega, how stupid can we get
« Reply #13 on: April 05, 2002, 05:56:46 PM »
SonyFan: Hehe, yep.. we had this discussion already. ;)

I was a bit confused by Sega at that time. They\'re announcing things at a strange pace; first a ton of Xbox games, then a ton of Nintendo support.. and then some more Xbox lovin\'. One might think that Sega and MS are close.. they are. Although, Nintendo is getting the most support overall.

IMO, as a non-PS2 owner.. I think Sega should supply a few more games to the PS2. It\'s only fair.

Seeing as how Sega pulled Virtua Fighter RPG and F-Zero out of thin air.. I suspect that Sega will suddenly announce any more PS2 support. Watch for it at E3, but I think it just might happen out of nowhere in late April like GunGrave did in March.
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Sega, how stupid can we get
« Reply #14 on: April 05, 2002, 07:25:17 PM »
Originally posted by cloud345

 Now ginko....did you play all of the ff\'s? or just 10. Cause if you played 7 then you would maybe change your mind. but then again if I played SOA I may change my mind.

The only one I hadn\'t played was FF9, I bought that yesterday.  So far so good...it\'s definitely different.

FF3 is my favorite of the FF series, 7 is a close second, with 10 trailing in third.  The only aspects I really enjoyed of FFX was the superb FMV and the excellent battle system.  I disliked 8 and didn\'t even finish it...


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