But it appears they are igoring the ps2 and focusing on the xbox and NGC... - Chrono
Your right, that\'s what they appear to be doing. Really, it\'s nothing more than that. I\'ve already had this discussion with Blade, and Sega is distributing their efforts pretty evenly. So what if many of them are just ports from the Dreamcast? Most PS2 owners never would have given them the time of day while they were still exclusive to the DC. So their new to the vast majority of PS2 gamers anyhow at least. Sega\'s actually being smart by putting all these ports on the PS2 anyhow. Since it costs a fraction as much to make a port compaired to a full game, they\'ll toss over all their well-known and already hyped games the PS2\'s way to make some quick easy bucks, and support other consoles with newer games to generate interest and growth in the market. If the Xbox and NGC sales don\'t shape up in a year or two, I think things will turn around a bit. Being 3rd party gives Sega something they never had before... flexability. We\'ll see how well they adapt before passing judgement.
As far as SOA is concerned, I can only think of a few possiblities. Either their doing a massive upgrade to storyline and graphics, creating a sequel from the port, or they\'re canceling it but don\'t want to loose the games-to-different consoles ratio they have just yet.
Sega isn\'t quite the king of 3rd party screwups just yet. I think Sierra takes that particular piece of cake with Half-Life. I mean, who in the hell ports a game to an Internet ready console WITHOUT network support.. and then cancels the game just as it\'s being ready to be pressed and shipped? After all that money they spent, they had the game 100% complete, fully advertised, and hyped to f*ck all & back... and THEN decided to cancel. What a waste. They could have very easily turned a small profit in the time between when HL was supposed to launch, and when the DC started actually dissapearing from shelves. It would have been a premier game, EXPECIALLY when the DC cost a paltry $50.....
Morons... :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: