But of course, PS1 wasn\'t close to the maximum power graphics systems could achieve then, while PS2 comes a lot closer to max when it came out. In short, it started greatly behind and got to the front, which is a huge lead, but going from the cutting edge to the cutting edge 3 years from now isn\'t going to be 183 times greater or anything close to that. Plus polygons don\'t mean everything.
PSX was more powerful than PC\'s at the time when it launched. Plus, what else do you want to compare?
Polygons => geometry => very relevant to 3d graphics rendering.
And you know this, how? And pulling a few numbers from Sony\'s PR division and rumors here and there don\'t count.
No, actually it\'s quite logical. You just need to look at the internal layout of the Emotion Engine. VU1 is dedicated for geometry and holds a few more FMACs while being connected directly to the GIF. VU0 is for AI, phyiscs etc - although a developer can choose what tasks he wants to give away. Theoretically he can use both for geometry which would result in more polygons.
And another thing; this has been said by PS2 developers (most noticably Square). Talk to any Software engineer who understands the complex layout of the EE and he\'ll tell you this.
Ironically, you have no idea what you\'re talking about.
Got to love that comment. Come on buddy, prove me wrong, if you can.
BTW: I think you\'re missing one important thing here: you\'re forgeting what the PC architecture was concepted for? Certainly not for 3d gaming and this factor will remain a limiting factor until they manage to change the architecture of todays PCs.