dont worry Eric, ill stick up for you
Great graphical PS2 games: MGS2,FFX,Bouncer,GT3, all running at 60fps
Great graphical x box games: halo,project ego, all running at 18-30 fps, and drops even lower in action
It doesnt matter how great graphically a game is. If it runs at 30 fps, it does. And thats a let down for a next gen system
you are, in the words of Altered Beast an "idiot"... can someone get this guy a troll picture or what? i dont care what he is a fanboy of he is annoying the **** out of me and other members..
first of all, FFX runs at 30fps
and doesnt look anywhere near as good as Halo
second of all.. \'locked\' isnt exactly the right word.. i know my copy of MGS2 had slowdown in it. Same with FFX and thats at 30fps.
and 18-30? ugh..
"duuuuuuaaaaaaaaaaah, Dead or Alive 3 the best looking game ever released runs at 5 - 60fps althgouh the 5fps isnt all that common"
geezus chrisst
Defending Altered Beast..? meh, its the lesser of two evils