Jesus, the game does look great, there is no denying that.
As for this whole "debate" (it can hardly be called that), Carmack did go on record saying the Xbox would be handle to Doom 3 but I personally don\'t see it being a PC port. If anything, I think we will see the whole game being finely tuned to take advantage of every ounce of power in the Xbox so the game looks close to the PC (aka "very damn good") but not quite up to the PC version (aka "holy friggin\' amazing"). That\'s just my two cents.
Oh yea and can someone please shut up Bio and Rast?
Oh and one other thing. Can we please quit bringing up Halo being 30fps? I mean, sure TimeSplitters was a launch game and ran at 60fps, but it didn\'t exactly push the textures that Halo pushed, now did it?