I think you guys have wandered a bit off topic and missed out on the important thing:
While Xbox may come with more for its price (HD + Ethernetcard), it is loosing out on a lot of users simply due to its broadband only. Debate what you want - that is a serious drawback for the average Xbox buyer outthere that would love to use it but can\'t.
Secondly, the Xbox Live. Thanks to this brilliant idea (and the marketing gimmick of "having the best in mind for the consumer"), they are getting a lot of companies having second thoughts about making online games for their system. EA and Activision might be the only ones at the time, but I\'m sure lot more will follow if Microsoft doesn\'t ease up and do something about it. Missing out on those potential online games is a big minus. While Microsoft will be trying to get those online games on their own server, we on PS2 will be playing heaps of online games thanks to the support by developers. Yeah, the add-on is necessary, but Japan is already proving that it can be succesfull if the price is right. With a $80 dollar price here in the states for the HD (which is 5 times the size of Xbox\'s HD), I\'m sure it will find enough buyers to ensure good support.
And nonamer, even if mm\'s numbers are a bit off target, the princible is still the same: their will be more users online on PS2 than on Xbox, because it\'s not BB-only and more support by developers as it seems. Also bigger userbase on the PS2. You don\'t really have to do the math - it should be quite clear like this already.