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Author Topic: splinter cell vs MGS2  (Read 4018 times)

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splinter cell vs MGS2
« Reply #15 on: May 27, 2002, 12:59:16 PM »
;)  And I don\'t think we\'ll see any giant robots in
this game like MGS2 !
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splinter cell vs MGS2
« Reply #16 on: May 27, 2002, 01:14:07 PM »
Actually, the two compliment each other. In MGS(2), the guards are limited by their cone of vision, this game has nothing of that sort. If they see you, the game will become much more difficult. I\'m not sure how intelligent the AI routines are, but the game is based on never being seen, in and out without a trace, not a timer on the guards patrol. What\'s great about this game is that what you do, directly affects how hidden you are and that\'s what\'s so different. If you just stay out of a guard\'s site (even if you\'re 10 feet away from him) you can not be seen in MGS2 ever, but in Splinter Cell, if your shadow is seen, or you step on a piece of glass wrong, it\'s over for you. One is much more heavily story driven, while the other is much slower based solely on realism.

If you have ever played a Tom Clancy game, you\'d understand just how real the games strive to be.

Ryu, I\'m not sure on what difficulty you played MGS2 (or if you even have played it) - but I can assure you that you can not stand 10 feet infront of a guard without being seen or noticed. Well, unless you played it on the easiest difficulty that is. I\'m on my 3rd way through in MGS2 (now on European-Extreme) and will always be noticed by a guard if you show up infront of him. And the guards are not limited by their cone of vision either - knock on walls, walk over certain floors and guards will hear you and turn around or come and have a look. Come from outside (from the cold) inside into a building and you\'ll have snake sneezing and attracting guards to your presense. You\'ll also leave wet footprints which will also draw deadly attention to where you might be hiding. Same with blood aswell. Shadows? Yeah, that too you will find in MGS2. If you haven\'t experienced this, I suggest you play MGS2 again but on the highest difficulty available. You will find that 90% of what you listed so unique about SplinterCell is actually in MGS2 aswell.
« Last Edit: May 27, 2002, 01:17:32 PM by seven »

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splinter cell vs MGS2
« Reply #17 on: May 27, 2002, 01:55:49 PM »
Ryu, I\'m not sure on what difficulty you played MGS2 (or if you even have played it) - but I can assure you that you can not stand 10 feet infront of a guard without being seen or noticed.

In the standard difficulty settings, you can and believe me, I know this because I have beaten the game on every difficulty, I reviewed it, and started the tips and tricks thread in the MGS2 board complete with strategies for the Extreme difficulty. :)  The guards do not have peripheral vision as well.  I\'ve toyed with the game so much that every defficiency that the guards have I have fully explited.  I would say that there is no better person to tell you about the abilities of the guards then myself.

Yes, on extreme, the guards are incredibly tougher, but they are easy to take out.  Let me put it another way, the guards line of site is severly limited by how far away you are, even in a hall way.  If you get a gaurds attention in the hangar, particularly in the galley area of the tanker mission, he just says "Huh?" and takes out his binoculars, but that\'s not the only thing I am referring to.  If you run around a guard without him directly seeing you, he will not notice you, even if your footfalls are fairly loud.  Why does someone have to run on metal in order to be noticed?  That\'s where splinter cell improves upon the formula.

Shadows? Yeah, that too you will find in MGS2.

Not shadows that guards notice though, that was my point.

You will find that 90% of what you listed so unique about SplinterCell is actually in MGS2 aswell.

You might, but not as detailed, that was my point to begin with.  Here are IGN\'s brief impressions on the game as well as gamespot\'s, maybe they can better illustrate for you verbally what I am referring to.



Enjoy. :)
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splinter cell vs MGS2
« Reply #18 on: May 27, 2002, 02:54:49 PM »
Not shadows that guards notice though, that was my point.

Hm, they sure as heck seemed reeeeally interested in Snake\'s shadow in my copy. I learned to avoid that, though. They could\'ve played around with shadows and lighting so much more, one of the (many) aspects I was disapointed with in the game.

Once when I was hiding behind a corner, a guard saw Snake\'s fingers, and the radar display changed to show the guard\'s PoV of the situation. Annoying, but kewl, not sure why I wrote that :p
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splinter cell vs MGS2
« Reply #19 on: May 27, 2002, 03:17:53 PM »
Wow. Sounds neat, especially the lighting. Best I\'ve seen yet in a game.
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splinter cell vs MGS2
« Reply #20 on: May 27, 2002, 07:14:01 PM »
I hope it\'s more action than MG and I hope it\'s not so detailed and tactical that it becomes too onerous to play (ala Rainbow Six).
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splinter cell vs MGS2
« Reply #21 on: May 27, 2002, 07:37:54 PM »
Those screens look purdy. Unfortunately most X-box screens do and then the gameplay part never shows up.

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splinter cell vs MGS2
« Reply #22 on: May 27, 2002, 07:43:36 PM »
I love the Tom Clancy games so i will get this on PC

Offline Bobs_Hardware

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splinter cell vs MGS2
« Reply #23 on: May 28, 2002, 01:06:23 AM »
Originally posted by Watchdog
I hope it\'s more action than MG and I hope it\'s not so detailed and tactical that it becomes too onerous to play (ala Rainbow Six).

from what Ryu has said, i would say that there is practically no action.  at least not from getting in and out.  maybe there are bosses etc.  but it sounds like the entire game is like extreme MGS2 stealth.  a bad thing, IMO  :)  its good in doses but not for the entire game.

MGS2 had some FANTASTIC action sequences that perfectly complimented the stealth.. and when you wanted to.. attacking the guards with Claymores, Nikita rockets and your machine guns was some of the best fun i had in the game.  i hope this game has this too.

we shall see..  :)

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splinter cell vs MGS2
« Reply #24 on: May 28, 2002, 01:27:48 AM »
from what Ryu has said, i would say that there is practically no action. at least not from getting in and out. maybe there are bosses etc. but it sounds like the entire game is like extreme MGS2 stealth. a bad thing, IMO  its good in doses but not for the entire game.

I\'m pretty sure about 70% of the game will be spent being placed in really tough situations where you can\'t ever be seen or heard.  However, I also think that the other 30% will be forced\\natural action sequences.  I\'m sure there will be times where you are dropped into a hot zone with guns blazing.  Lets not forget, he is fully equipped to rock and roll at a moments notice.  See that gun on his back in every screenshot?  That thing spells certain doom for everyone.
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splinter cell vs MGS2
« Reply #25 on: May 28, 2002, 04:25:26 AM »
Splinter Cell looks awesome i can\'t wait til this game comes to xbox. I am not comparing it to no other game I just want to play it for what it is.
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splinter cell vs MGS2
« Reply #26 on: May 28, 2002, 09:12:44 AM »
Originally posted by Ryu
You might, but not as detailed, that was my point to begin with. Here are IGN\'s brief impressions on the game as well as gamespot\'s, maybe they can better illustrate for you verbally what I am referring to.




Thanks for the links Ryu. I read through both of the interviews and I do think this game has a lot going for it - even if most things seem to be a vast improvement over MGS2 (interaction between objects and the player, shadows etc). The graphics do look gorgeous indeed and if this ever comes to PS2 I\'ll be sure to look into it. ;)

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splinter cell vs MGS2
« Reply #27 on: May 29, 2002, 09:26:46 AM »
Following up on my initial impressions on this game, I downloaded the E3 trailer which features over 3 minutes of gameplay footage. I can\'t really judge the gameplay very good from this video, so I\'ll just go on to the graphics part:

To be quite honest, I don\'t know if I\'m impressed with this game so far or not. On one hand, the lightning is quite superb, but on the other hand there are a lot of flaws in this game, such as week textures, very choppy framerate and some of the worst character models which don\'t even come close to the ones presented in MGS2. What the game does fine is the excellent lightning and shadowing of the characters, which is very nice indeed. If they manage to improve the game in at least framerate and perhaps texture detail then I\'ll definately give the PS2 version a try once it ships.

The gameplay does seem interesting, although not quite as good as the hype might let it seem. I\'m not sure how much that video reflects the game so far - so I still have my hopes high for this one. Cetainly a title to keep your eyes on and see how it progresses. ;)

Anyway, here\'s the video:

Enjoy! :)

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splinter cell vs MGS2
« Reply #28 on: May 31, 2002, 09:33:23 AM »
Didn\'t anyone download the above movie? I\'m pretty curious to find out if I\'m the only one who is underwhellmed by this game after viewing this movie.

67 MB is perhaps a bit a lot, but it\'s well worth it if you want to see some in-game footage... :)

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splinter cell vs MGS2
« Reply #29 on: May 31, 2002, 09:38:36 AM »
The only thing underwhelming were the character animations.  I don\'t see the problems you see with the textures.
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