Ryu, I\'m not sure on what difficulty you played MGS2 (or if you even have played it) - but I can assure you that you can not stand 10 feet infront of a guard without being seen or noticed.
In the standard difficulty settings, you can and believe me, I know this because I have beaten the game on every difficulty, I reviewed it, and started the tips and tricks thread in the MGS2 board complete with strategies for the Extreme difficulty.
The guards do not have peripheral vision as well. I\'ve toyed with the game so much that every defficiency that the guards have I have fully explited. I would say that there is no better person to tell you about the abilities of the guards then myself.
Yes, on extreme, the guards are incredibly tougher, but they are easy to take out. Let me put it another way, the guards line of site is severly limited by how far away you are, even in a hall way. If you get a gaurds attention in the hangar, particularly in the galley area of the tanker mission, he just says "Huh?" and takes out his binoculars, but that\'s not the only thing I am referring to. If you run around a guard without him directly seeing you, he will not notice you, even if your footfalls are fairly loud. Why does someone have to run on metal in order to be noticed? That\'s where splinter cell improves upon the formula.
Shadows? Yeah, that too you will find in MGS2.
Not shadows that guards notice though, that was my point.
You will find that 90% of what you listed so unique about SplinterCell is actually in MGS2 aswell.
You might, but not as detailed, that was my point to begin with. Here are IGN\'s brief impressions on the game as well as gamespot\'s, maybe they can better illustrate for you verbally what I am referring to.