Ryu, you really disappoint me. Why is it suddenly, that when I have an opinion about something, that it\'s continuessly misunderstood as a bash towards Xbox? I really don\'t know what more to say, but that I judged this game as a PS2 game since it\'s multi platform - therefore giving me no reason to downrate this game because it\'s on Xbox. Hell, Fast above just voiced his opion about the underwhelming textures... are you going to take that as his opinion or also as a bash towards Xbox?
Seven, you yourself said this game is a lot like MGS2 and you gush all over that game. This game should be great for you then, but you still face it with a grain of salt stating that MGS2 does not have poor texture work and Splinter Cell does...
We were talking about gameplay when I was refering to MGS2 - not graphics. If you read my impressions on the video I gave, then I\'m sure you didn\'t miss out on me saying that I will leave out the gameplay aspects and only comment on the graphics (which I did).
I don\'t understand when Splinter Cell clearly has a greater atmosphere thanks to the textures. Two words for lazy texture work: Big Shell. Need I say more? That\'s right though, MGS2 is allowed to have poor textures for some reason and Splinter Cell is not.
I\'ve played MGS2 at a very frequentrate and never did I have the impression that the textures are weak. Also something that should be pretty obvious, is that Konami has a huge tallent into making MGS2 look realistic. MGS2 might not have the best textures, but it\'s still one of the most
realistic games visually. Maybe talent?
What I can say though is, is that those textures presented in that movie above did struck me as quite ugly/cheap. Maybe talent?
I just don\'t get the logic here. You know, it\'s okay to want to anticipate a game that will be fun on the XBox, there really is no crime in it. This one appears to be great fun, why not just admit to that? It\'s not like your life will end if you do.
LOL and again, I never said it won\'t be fun, but only commented on the
graphics. I hope you guys did get it this time, because I certainly won\'t point it out another time.