Hey we could turn this into an online game show ..with me as the HOST
Nice to See you To See you nice ....anyway its on to ooseven ...play your consoles right
right ok here we have the X box in Japan
"Da PS2 Killer "
right it started of well piss poor but has it been all bad news
now...a few weeks ago it only managed to scrape 8000 sales
ooseven "now is this weeks sales Higher or Lower then 8000"
Audiance "higher...... higher.......... no lower......... lower .........!"
Contestant "errrrrr Lower ?"
ooseven "
*me turns over card* Yeah its lower 800 sales "
Audiance "Yeahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh"
ooseven "Now is next weeks sales higher or lower than 800 sales ?"
Contestant "Errrrrrrrrr"
ooseven "now you have to guess higher or lower then this weeks total..but if the total is the same then you go bust....remember if your stuck you can always play your Joker...
or as we like to call it directXbox "