And to make this thread a bit more interesting, here are some examples of what you guys would sound like if you were leet hackers:
FU|\\|NY HOW YoU GUYS DISM1SS NINTEND0\'S LWO MUMBER ZAs B3CAUSE DDOODZ WERE WAITInG FOR TEH PRICE DORP, YET U FGO O 4ND ON AND ON AND ON ABOT THE 800XBO0XR SZALES, FrOGETTING ThAT THE D0RP MD3 AN EfFECT, S37LING NEARLY 80000!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1~ I OWN J00!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~~~~~~ MS HAD SIGNZ ALL OVER THE PLAVE TEL7NG D00DZ ABOUT TEH IMpNDING DROP, SO WHY WOULD TEY BUY IT TEHn????????????????? BECAUZ U R LAME... i own jioO,, we al lknoiw cboX0r si crawling in japan, so why ahrp on hat fact conStantly???????????????????!!!!!!!!!!!!??? *shakes head a igntoance and leaves* eric jacob
se3"z tHis thread goingf soomewheee nasty~~~~ you are lae!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1~ !!!!!!!1~~~~~~~ ololloolololollo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!11~~~~~~ !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!111~ ololololoolol~~ well, a f3w Exclusives owuld orbably come baout if teh xboX0R was well acc3pted evarywhsare.. IT WOIULD MAK3 TEH CONSoLE MRO3 ATTR4CtIV3 oloololoollolool~ !!!!!!!!!!! I OWN JJ00 ~~~ I T\\/\\/ILL SURVIVE REGARDLeSS, JUST NORT AZ WELL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1~~~ olool how ar those europe numbErs????????????? olollolololl!!!!!!!11 btw,s peakIng of ovarseaz sUopr0t what EvaR cam eof soul calibvur 2?????????????!!!!???????? si 1t ps2 onLy n0????????
And for good messure here\'s Rastalant:
u kow what ps2 sib 3ATIng evaryone eve|\\| if you combine all teh numbwers.