because we have the best hospitals and schools.
Which you can never afford to go to. Harvard, YALE keep dreaming, as for the best hospitals, you really mean the doctors and there equipment, which again only the rich will ever benefit from, not the majority of Americans, so who cares.
In Canada, allot of that **** is free, well not really are taxes are a real *****.
Free? Again, it\'s egocentric and reductionalist. I live in Canada, Everything I make gets taxed at a rate of about 40-45%. Then whenever I buy anything, I get taxed
A fellow Canuk, Well watchie I\'m from Toronto and I got NIF\'s(north Island Funds) to pay for three years of schooling of what ever I want for
free, and that\'s how it is in Canada folks!
If you’re smart and live in CANADA you will get the government to pay for your education. SO Watchdog if you plan to go back to school I can tell you of 4 different ways to get your school paid for
PS. (NIFS) is paying for my school, my rent to live there, my car insurance and my gas and food money. LOL!!
Oh and I have lived in the states for 4 years when I was 15-19, and I could hardly tell the diff from TORONTO, Americans don\'t understand we live just like them in our metropolis area\'s.