Anyone who has taken any programming in university has had to take a course in assembly. Like I said, I haven\'t done anything really ground breaking, only the introductory class (x86 basic crap, sorting algorithms, that kind of stuff), but I know enough, certainly more than most ever will. But this isn\'t a pissing match to see who is the bigger aficiano, it\'s about the compiler and like you said, it\'ll be a huge help.
You telling me a fully optimized 3D game from engine to menu, coded from scratch in assembly would take less time? Anyone, who\'s worth anything in assembly can code a data app. using only assmebly in fairly short order, but to write an entire modern game would take years upon years. If you say any differently, then I really question the education you claim to have recieved.
I do think we\'ll see better effects and graphics because of the cg compiler. Devs are under time restrictions (how many times have we heard that things had to be cut, or they want to do this?), with this tool, it\'ll only help that out. They\'ll be able to spend more time and see things much more clearly than if they were on a wild goose chase, hunting for algorithms that may or may not need optimization.
What\'s there to proove Fatson? I\'ve proved you\'re a a fanboy through and through. I merely pointed out a contradiction. You say you believe what the devs say about Outcast and have optimism for the game, then you say you don\'t care what the devs say about the cg compiler (something you know NOTHING about), that of course they are going to come off sounding positive. Obviously arguing with you is pointless, I\'d rather not bother.