DC is no more because Sega didn\'t have the cash, they ran out of money. - WatchDog
Well, not quite. Sega had the money to push the Dreamcast throught the rest of it\'s life cycle. The problem is, it would have been tapping the coffers of what they\'d need to produce another next generation system. Without that money there, they couldn\'t put out another Ace quality product like the Dreamcast.. and with developer and consumer confidence slipping ever farther away from them, they decided to just bow out gracefully and use the money to make a fresh start. I still think that Sega could have made it.. it would have been extreemly tough and taken some top notch company leadership.. but I there was a chance. Sega (and their shareholders) jus didn\'t want to risk it tho, considering their track record. So now, the DC\'s dead.
*Breaks down in Tears*
Anyhow, I ain\'t gonna deny that I have a bias against Microsoft. I don\'t like them as a company for the chit they\'ve pulled in the PC market.. and I still think they have an ulterior motive in the games industry. (As does Sony tho..) It\'s not going to stop me from eventually buying an Xbox tho. It\'s the games that matter.. and if my bias won\'t allow me to send more money to MS, then I\'ll simply buy my Xbox games and hardware second hand.
Hah, after all.. I still loath Nintnedo for the dirty tricks they played against Sega in the 8 bit days.. and for always cowing over to congress whenever violence in videogames became an issue... but that dosen\'t stop me from having an NES, SNES, N64, GB, GBA, and soon to be a NGC now does it?