Kingdom Hearts-
I\'m usually not very big on hack n\' slash adventures, in fact I have no interest in them. Be it the tedious gameplay or usual drab story, I just can\'t get into them.
I was reluctant to pick this game up, however I wanted to see what all this fuss was about. That and it\'s made by two of my favorite companies. Square undoubtely has a knack for creating great stories, lush worlds, and likeable couple that with a disney flavor and you have a special game.
If you\'ve ever been, or still are, a disney\'ll be reminded or taken back to that same feeling right from the opening movie. I had a big grin on my face from the get go and it hasn\'t gone away yet.
The game screams quality. The FMV is among the best I\'ve seen this generation, and directed equally as astounding. I\'ll say it again...Square is unrivaled in this department. The ingame graphics are nice, nothing spectacular, but good. What does set it apart is none other than the classic Disney\'ll see it through out, and it shines. (However, I must warn those that don\'t like Disney. You\'ll want to stay far clear of this game. It even made me cringe to hear Donald Duck)
That brings me to the voice overs. Easily the best voice acting in any game. The ingame movies, while beautiful, are above average for the characters\' expressions and most of all the voice overs. Each character I\'ve encountered so far in the first 2 perfect. I\'ll also hit on sound a little here...typical Square fashion. Reminded me alot of FFX actually.
You can tell alot of care and attention went into the game...but perhaps not everywhere.
Let me explain...the camera is an issue. You\'ll be manually moving it around ALOT despite having it set on auto. It makes jumping and completing some tasks seem like a chore...a problem that could have been easily avoided, IMO.
Not only that, but the hack n\' slash almost happens too often. I believe that a happy medium could be met, they went a little over board. However, I have a feeling I know why and maybe it lightens up. (It has to do with the story)
These are my initial impressions of the game, and like most games I opinion changes.