I actually had forgotten just how great a lot of those saturn games are and I started looking into importing them. They actually wouldn\'t cost me much of anything in comparison to just how much games cost anyways and the fun I would have from them would be immeasureable especially since the majority of games that I would like to import for an import saturn wouldn\'t require much understanding of the Japanese language at all except for a few basics which I already had the privilidge to learn. Here is a list of the stuff that I am going to be importing or just plain asking for for Christmas:
Guardian Heroes
Silhouette Mirage
Radiant Silvergun (FAT chance)
Street Fighter Zero [
Street Fighter Zero 2 [
Street Fighter Zero 3
Vampire Savior
Vampire Hunter
X-Men Children of the Atom [
Marvel Super Heroes
X-Men vs Street Fighter
Marvel Super Heroes vs Street Fighter
NiGHTs (domestic with controller) [
Burning Rangers (if I can find it, preferrable domestic)
Panzer Dragoon Zwei (the import of the original PD has far too much Japanese and the domestic original is far too expensive)
And of course...
Import Saturn
4-meg ram cart
1 extra Saturn pad
Speaking of all those Capcom games, I wish capcom made a home version of Aliens vs Predator. I figured of all consoles, the saturn would have it, import or otherwise, but alas, only the arcades and only on CPS2 emulators.