Alright, I\'m late gettin here tonight because I\'ve been busy with real-life stuff.. but mostly by trying out my new toys. As ya probly already know, I got my NGC today.. color purple. With it I got a game and the 56k Analog modem. PSO Ep 1 & 2 is on pre-order for the 30th of this month, with no idea when a keyboard is going to be available for it. Here\'s my impressions on the software I bought today..
Super Mario Sunshine:
Ok, first off.. I didn\'t choose this.. it was part of a pack-in deal and the only one they had left. I probably would have picked it up eventually anyhow since what is a Nintnedo console without Mario? That\'s like buying a Sega console and not getting at least ONE Sonic game. It just ain\'t right. It was the first game I played upon hooking it all up.
Right off the bat I gotta say I\'m very impressed with the graphics for it. Everything that should be round.. is round.. without barely a hint of polygonal edges or aliasing. The colors are vivid and bright.. not quite to my liking.. but enough to impress. There really isn\'t much to comment on about the control.. it\'s just Super Mario 64 with the addition of the waterpack... which isn\'t a bad thing since Mario64\'s controls are superb IMO. My only complaint is that they were a juuuust a bit sloppy.. but no more. Control is tight and very precise in SMS. About the only thing more I could wish for in this game is a better camera... and perhaps actually being able to SEE the sewers you\'re in when you go "underground" in the town.
Resident Evil: Remake
I got this title simply for eyecandy and it\'s similarities to the Adventure Genre. I have to say tho.. I almost regret my decision. While looking bar-none the best out of any game I\'ve played.. I can\'t shake this feeling of "Been Here, Done That" which is really distracting. All of the new areas, dialouge, and scenarios that Capcom put in cannot change this.. and I feel as tho I\'m just playing the PSX version... expecially when it comes to control.
Jill & Chris are SLUGGISH... this was frustraiting as I managed to get killed by the first Zombie I saw 3 times because I simply couldn\'t move fast enough with the knife. A welcome compensation to this is the Defensive Items.. the Tazer and Dagger which both look awesome when used. I would like to be able to pick up used daggers after killing an enemy tho.. seems the only way to get em back is to take their heads off with a shotgun.
Speaking of Daggers and improvements... why in gods name didn\'t Capcom stick with the "Code Veronica" style combat knife??? Zombie defenses have been seriously beefed up.. and yet you can still only get in 1 hit on a slice? Ugh.. thanks for ruining that weapon again Cap. = /
Overall tho, it\'s an enjoyable title. I jus can\'t shake the feeling that I should have only payed 20 bucks for it rather than the full 45.
NBA Jam: For the Genesis.
Heh.. found this in the bargain bin for a dollar and decided to pick it up. You all remember it.. no explanation needed. I only wish they would have had tournament edition instead.