Alright, I jus purchased Medal of Honor: Frontline and StarFox Adventures for the NGC the other night. I haven\'t been too far into StarFox yet.. but from what I\'ve seen it\'s pretty impressive. The control and camera seem to be coded very well as there\'s never a moment where I\'ve found myself wanting to do something, but couldn\'t because of fighting the controller or Camera. Battles are extreemely easy so far, with two quick combos killing jus about every malicious beastie I\'ve come across. That\'s it\'s downside tho.. on the upside the space shooting aspects are great. Controlling the Fire Ball power of the staff reminds me alot of Link and his Bow & Arrow from Zelda:OoT.. and the mini-games such as SnowSki Racing the Dinos and the Space Shooting when approcing the planet are very fun. Best of all, it\'s actually incorperated some actual Adventuresqe puzzles into the game rather than just slapping "adventure" on the Cover. Although they seem very simplistic so far.. usually just finding an item to give to a character so he will help you. I\'m not far in the game so hopefully this will improve. Even your little Dino sidekick, while annoying, enhances gameplay by giving you a whole subset of option such as having him "Stay" on a pressure pad to open a door, or "Find" to dig up a burried Item. Almost like having a dog.. excpet whiney and always hungry.
Oh yeah.. and the game is GORGEOUS. Easily the best looking game I\'ve ever played.
Metal of Honor: Frontline is like you\'d all expect it.. as I can\'t really see any changes in it over the PS2 version with the exception of Multiplayer. I don\'t have two controllers, so I can\'t comment on that aspect of it yet.. but as for the rest of the game it\'s very well done. After the D-Day invasion I was expecting alot out of the game.. but honestly I find it being more of the same standard MOH fare.. which isn\'t really good IMO. Not bad.. but not good either. I do like alot of the new extras they\'ve added.. like starting a bar-fight between drunken Nazi\'s and actually being able to work with other soldiers to get a job done. I know this last bit will be a bit of a pointless nag.. but why is it my companion for "Needle in a Haystack" cannot die? I played through in normal mode and did just about everything I COULD to kill the SOB (I\'m just sadistic like that..) and couldn\'t... even after shooting him in the eyeballs with a variety of weapons or playing the old "Hide a live grenade in the rookies pants" trick.
Still.. two very worthy purchases.