Well, it\'s been a little bit since my last update so it\'s time for a few updates in purchases along with an all new review many of you just might be interested in.
First up, the new games I\'ve added to my library are as follows:
Splinter Cell (Xbox) - Review will be posted sometime next week. My impression of it is very close to what Gamespot has been saying all along so expect a similar review.
Metroid Fusion (GBA) - Far and away the BEST GBA game available. My review won\'t be posted for a bit since it\'s a follow up review rathen then an original.
Defender (GBA) - It\'s a shooter so i like it a bit, but it\'s slow pacing and bland style just irks me in some ways. Expect a review of this one next week or the week after.
Sega Smash Pack (GBA) - What a bunch of terrible ports. This game pisses me off more than MGS2: Substance in its total mediocrity. Expect a review to be posted next week.
Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets (GCN) - A rather decent action title. The variety of game play and features keeps the game interesting. Expect a review of this one in about 3 weeks.
The rest of the games up for review, Shenmue 2, Metal Gear Solid 2 Substance, and Ratchet and Clank will appear later on in the coming weeks pending the new design of Intensity-Magazine, but they are on their way. In addition to these new titles, I also recieved a bunch of Saturn games in the mail and the list goes as follows: Panzer Dragoon II Zwei, Fighters Megamix, Nights (Import), Oshyaberi Parodius Deluxe, Cyberbots, and Virtual On, while ordering Pocket Fighter, New Shinobi Legend, Panzer Dragoon, Fist, and Gokujyo Parodius Deluxe. *Phew*
Finally, last but not least, a Metroid Prime review below. This is the longest review I\'ve ever written clocking in at over 3,100 words. Anyways, enjoy the review and have a happy turkey day.
Metroid Prime (GCN) Review