Well, big update so lets get started.
First off, here\'s a list of the new games that have come across my desk this week and last:
Nascar: Dirt to Daytona (GCN) - I\'m not a big fan of racing or Nascar in general, but I\'ll be damned if this game isn\'t bad at all. This review will be up next week.
Hot Wheels Velocity X (GCN/GBA) - It\'s the best Hot Wheels racer yet, but that doesn\'t say much since all the previous ones have sucked. The GCN game is pretty bad, but the GBA one is a bit like RC Pro Am. Interesting stuff. The GBA review will be up this week and the GCN review next week.
007 Nightfire (Xbox) - Actually a GREAT FPS. It\'s not quite a Halo-killer, but it\'s definitely better than that trash Timesplitters. I especially love the arcade sequences where you control big weapons and the driving sequences. You just feel like Bond and I\'m VERY impressed by it. Expect a review of this one in a few weeks or so.
Zelda: A link to the Past and the Four Sword (GBA) - I don\'t know if this or Metroid Fusion is best game on the GBA. I do know one thing though, as soon as I tasted the Four Sword, I immediately knew what I had to get all my GBA weilding friends for Christmas. 4-player Zelda here I come! Expect a review of this in a week or so.
Kirby: Nightmare in Dreamland (GBA) - I realize it\'s a remake, but it\'s just so damn cool. i was deprived of Kirby up until SSB:M and this game is absolutely fun. The multiplayer mini games are also a riot and I wish I had four copies of the game to go through it co-op style. Expect a review of this one in a couple of weeks.
Castlevania: Harmony of Dissonance (GBA) - I don\'t know why I didn\'t buy this game earlier, but I admit my stupidity and am glad I have it now. It\'s quite amazing and am happy that I finally have a copy.
Contra Advance: Alien Wars (GBA) - Nintendo sure loves their remakes, but Konami does not like making them. This game is ass. I\'m sorry, but Konami, you need to start doing more for your fans when it comes to porting your games. It\'s the GBA for crying out loud, it\'s not hard to program for.
Spyro: Enter the Dragonfly (GCN) - It\'s not good. I don\'t know what else I need to say, but it\'s utterly terrible. Too bad it\'s not as good as the GBA game.
Plus, I grabbed yet another game in the Parodius series for the Saturn along with Fist and the original Panzer Dragoon import as well.
Now, what would an update be without a couple of promised reviews? They\'re posted below so enjoy them all and I\'ll see you guys later in the week with more updates and new games acquired along with new reviews!
Sega Smash Pack (GBA)Ratchet and Clank (PS2)PS: I also took a trip to the Nintendo Cube Club here in San Francisco. With my VIP pass in hand, I tested out Zelda GCN and I must say that it\'s everything OoT is along with a look that is stunning. In fact, it\'s better than stunning and the new manuevers that Link can do are beautiful. We\'re all in for a real treat come March \'03 and I honestly can\'t wait. In fact, just to do the circle slash again and listen to Link scream across the screen will be absolutely worth it!