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Author Topic: Your Latest Game Purchase and How it Fares  (Read 22707 times)

Offline cloud345
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Your Latest Game Purchase and How it Fares
« Reply #240 on: December 27, 2002, 10:49:07 PM »
I gotta agree with ashford there.....I think that with a little work on that area the game could have be one of the best on the PS2 by far, it had great graphics, great replay, and a great story it was just missing that one bit.
  2. Grandia
  3. MGS
Is it me? Or does PSone own all the other systems?

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Your Latest Game Purchase and How it Fares
« Reply #241 on: December 28, 2002, 02:54:48 AM »
All I know is that Max Payne on Xbox ownz!  This game has amazing gameplay, pretty damn nice graphix and is pretty long for an action game.

now for my latest purchase.

Hitman 2 for the Xbox
At first it seemed just too damn difficult, but once I got the feel for it, and relized the gameplay was a little different than 47, it became alot more playable.  So far I must say it\'s amazingly fun, I just love sniping someone through a window from an adjacent apartment building, and then drop the gun and walk around like nothing happend.

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Your Latest Game Purchase and How it Fares
« Reply #242 on: December 29, 2002, 06:56:09 AM »
I got Kingdom Hearts for christmas. GOTY 2002 for me, no competition. I\'d love to try and write down my feelings on the game, but I\'m afraid I\'d just run out of superlatives before even getting anywhere. Perfection.

I also bought Twisted Metal : Black a couple of days after christmas. It\'s pretty good fun even in one-player mode (in small portions), but all hell broke lose when I had two of my cousins come over last night, ace game.
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Your Latest Game Purchase and How it Fares
« Reply #243 on: December 29, 2002, 07:13:20 PM »
I just got Grand Theft Auto Vice City.  You\'ve heard of it, no?  Quickly, I\'d say that it\'s as much fun as I\'d imagined, but the levels get real hard real quick.  I\'m pretty well stuck for now, but luckily there\'s a lot of side events to work on as well.  For instance, the game also doubles as a crude Crazy Taxi sequel with its taxi cab bonus missions.

I\'ve also got Star Fox Adventures.  At the half way point, the game has loosened up some and offers some logical progression and unique puzzles.  The majority of the game, however, has been the patented Rare formula of collect, back-track, and repeat.

\"What are you supposed to be, a clown or something?\"

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Your Latest Game Purchase and How it Fares
« Reply #244 on: December 30, 2002, 12:10:45 PM »
Another decent sized update so here we go...

This holiday season was a lot better to me before Christmas then during admittedly, but that was all my fault since I went out and bought every damn promising game out there, including a few new Dreamcast titles.  Regardless, it was a happy holiday season and here is what has been stuffed in my game consoles the past week or so.

Chu Chu Rocket (DC):  It\'s a neat little puzzle game and although it\'s getting on about three years old now, it\'s still a fun 4-player game.  I picked this one up for $3.00 in a used bin at EB.  What\'s three bucks to a good 10 hours of fun?  I can\'t even get into movies for that cheap and those last a mere two hours.

Virtua Tennis (DC):  This is actually just a replacement copy since the one I had incured a scratch, through no fault of my own I might add, that rendered it useless.  The replacement was a mere $5.00 in yet another EB bin of some sort of which i was happy to liberate and give a nice home.

Virtua Tennis 2k2 (DC):  Everyone who pays me a visit for 4-player gaming parties and whatnot knows that Virtua Tennis is an absolutely superb title and this holiday season I decided to bite the bullet and buy the sequel to the original.  Although it is incredibly good and much like the first with a few graphical upgrades, the game feels a whole lot slower and a lot more realistic.  I actually hated it from the start, but after an hour or two, I was in a formidable smashing groove.  It\'s yet another beautiful Sega sports multiplayer title.

Marvel Vs. Capcom (DC):  I\'ll admit it: I never bought this game when it came out.  In fact, not too long ago, I absolutely loathed all the Vs. fighters by Capcom (with the exception of Capcom Vs. SNK [1 and 2]), but my heart softened up to Marvel Vs. Capcom 2 so I gave it\'s predecessor a run.  It\'s decent just like Marvel Vs. Capcom 2, but I picked this one up moreso to complete a collection than anything else.

Street Fighter III: Third Strike (DC):  Altered would kill me if he knew I never had a copy of this, but I\'m willing to take the chance.  For starters, this game is dissapointing in some respects.  What used to be state of the art animation is now pale in comparison to the likes of the beautiful Guilty Gear X and XX, but almost all fighters do these days.  I like the classic Street Fighter gameplay, and the parrying system is still absolutley beautiful, but the lack of a speed option turns me off big time.  I like my games fast and furious and it\'s poor when Capcom does not include that option at all.

Power Stone (DC):  I played this game more at my friends house during parties than any other and picking it up only seemed logical.  Although it has yet to be played by my more immediate friends, it\'s still worth the $7.00 I paid for it.

Power Stone 2 (DC):  Much like the first but with more options and more characters.  I haven\'t really got into it all that much, but like I said, it\'s more of a party game then anything else.

Grandia II (DC):  I played this game a  long time ago and was very impressed with the battle system, but before I could pick up a copy, it was otherwise discontinued and the copies were snatched up.  Now, it seems, lots of people are dumping their Dreamcasts for some quick credit so to the victor goes the spoils.  ;)

Hitman 2 (Xbox):  This is quite possible one of the best Xbox games out there.  It has great control, awesome open ended missions, in a sense that you can complete each one in a variety of ways, and graphics that I have no complaints about.  It just works very very well on the Xbox and I\'m glad that it does.  In my opinion, I\'d rather have this then Splinter Cell.

Guilty Gear X (PS2):  I have the Dreamcast version already, but since GGXX is going to be out on the PS2, I figured it would be nice to have the pair.  Now all I need is a replacement DVD case since the one it came in is all tore up.

Marvel Vs. Capcom 2 (PS2):  I picked this one up for the sole reason of better control.  I have the Dreamcast version already, but the D-pad wears my thumb down to a nub and I\'m sick of it.  The Dreamcast version has a much better resolution, faster loading time, and much more vibrant sound, but when it comes to me saving thumb, I\'ll take it.

Mario Party 4 (GCN):  Though not technically mine, I bought it for Rya and her sisters, I still had a go at it at our Christmas party.  It\'s absolutely hilarious in a lot of ways, but I admit that I can see where the game gets boring and why people don\'t like it.  If it weren\'t for the company, the game would suck to no end.

That just about rounds out all the new games this holiday, but what would an update be without a couple of reviews?

Hot Wheels Velocity X (GBA)

Hot Wheels Velocity X (GCN)

NASCAR: Dirt to Daytona (GCN)

To wrap up this update, I want to do something new and point out a good game that people probably missed that they should pick up right now just for the sake of having a good time.  This weeks pick is none other than:

Bangai-O (DC)

It\'s an absolutely amazing shoother that no Treasure fan should be without.  My initial impression of this game when I first got it was that it was ass.  In fact, I thought it was one of the worst Treasure games to date, that is, until I played Stretch Panic.  However, after reading a bit more about it, and rediscovering why I hated it in the first place, I gave it another go.  The control default is hideous, no, beyond hideous.  It\'s a deformation super mutated form of hideous.  If you pick this one up, change the controls to the ABXY format right away and enjoy all the glory of battle, explosions, and beauty from the shooting geniuses at Treasure.  

There\'s just something about the insane difficulty in shooters and the Treasure simplicity\\hair trigger control that just appeals to me like no other.  Don\'t take my word for it though, trust the reviews posted here and here and here.

That\'s it for this update.  Happy New Year everyone!  :D
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Offline Ashford
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Your Latest Game Purchase and How it Fares
« Reply #245 on: December 30, 2002, 01:58:14 PM »
Grandia 2 is great...

Good choice...
July 2002: If you had bought $1000.00 worth of Nortel stock one year ago, it would now be worth $49.00. Enron, $16.50 left. Worldcom, $5.00 left. If you had bought $1,000.00 worth of Budweiser beer one year ago, drank it all and turned in the cans for the 10 cent deposit, you would have $214.00. Based on the above, my current investment advice is to drink heavily and recycle.

Offline Jumpman

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Your Latest Game Purchase and How it Fares
« Reply #246 on: December 30, 2002, 02:09:52 PM »
Grandia 2 is my second favorite RPG after Super Mario RPG. I love most RPGs with no random battles.
Who is this anamoly we call Jumpman? How is he able to do what he does and still survive after years of torment? It seems he feeds on the hate, growing with an intense passion to put unassuming members in their place.

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Your Latest Game Purchase and How it Fares
« Reply #247 on: December 30, 2002, 04:38:03 PM »
TS2: I love it. I got it for Christmas and is a big improvement. Still not much more to talk about. If anyone knows how to unlock levels, PM me.

The Thing: One of my favorite games. It creeps me out though. A couple nights ago, it was dark and I was deep in the game. Because my parents went to bed, they turned the heat down. My cat wanted to sit on my lap. I kept pushing him away. He went away and then came back like 5-10 mins later. I didn\'t see him walk in because I was deep in the game. He walks infront of me and puts his paws on my knee. I nearly went through the ceiling. He scared the hell out of me. I thought at first a Thing was grabbing me :laughing:
Liquid Spam of The Spaminators
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"LOL u know id fuck yu wsboth right? i would love to fuck the both of uyouy

U R FUCJKGIN FCUTE" -THX to luke and Bob

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13 year old boys sleep with older women cause theyd be stupid not to

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Your Latest Game Purchase and How it Fares
« Reply #248 on: December 30, 2002, 04:41:14 PM »
Jumpman: Y\'ever play Earthbound on the SNES? That\'s another solid RPG with no random battles.

Grandia II rox0rs, BTW. Definitely my favorite Dreamcast RPG.. and SMRPG is kick-ass as well.
What is up, buttercup? Down is the new up.

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Your Latest Game Purchase and How it Fares
« Reply #249 on: December 30, 2002, 09:23:07 PM »
earthbound 0wnz!  Gotta love how it steps away from the normal RPG settings.

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Your Latest Game Purchase and How it Fares
« Reply #250 on: January 03, 2003, 04:41:59 PM »
I have been somewhat busy at work so my game purchases, and posting on this board has slacked off quite a bit, but here are my latest game purchases.

MK: DA for the XBOX. God how I wish I had bought this for the ps2. It seems to freeze with frost quite a bit. Also the controller just sucks for this game. I should have known better, but my ps2 mem card was full of game saves that I absolutly did not want to get rid of.
Now so far as the game goes. I really like this game. There are certain parts that I really enjoy, and parts that I dislike a bunch. I enjoy the style switching in mid-combo. There are a ton of martial arts style in this game also. This is great when your character has 2 styles, and a weapon. I think this helps even characters out a bit since some styles are faster, while others slower but more powerful.
Now so far as my dislikes. I really hate Moloch. I even went so far as to send midway an e-mail about him which I rarely do. Here is what I sent them.

"I think the version of MK:DA I bought the other week is broke. I am playing it, and having a good time. Then this character named MOLOCH comes out, and none of my specials, juggles etc... work anymore. I am forced to resort to button mashing. I realize this just can not be. So I would like to trade in my copy that is obviously all glitchy and broke for a version without this Moloch glitch.

I am also having another problem with this game. it is nowhere near as big a deal, but sometimes when I do Frost\'s ground freeze the game freezes. This is by no means as big a deal as this craaaaazy moloch glitch. So if we can switch out my moloch glitched game for a version without that glitch. I would like to do so. I don\'t really care about the frost freeze all that much. So I can wait quite a while for that glich to be corrected."
That pretty much sums up MK:DA

Btw I bought another ps2 memory card.

Dragon Ball Z for the ps2. Well it\'s Dragon Ball, and my nephews love it. I played through and beat story in 1 sitting. There is not much to say about this game other than it has sub-par graphics, no duck, no jump, or can not even fly on demand. Oh yeah the combo system feels off and somewhat simple. I guess that does not matter since I rarely ended up using them. Most of them go somthing like punch,punch,punch,punch, energy. All of the specials depend on KI which is a good concept, but by the time you have enough KI to do a really cool special the match is over. Btw you gain KI by hitting an opponent, and you lose it blocking. I guess if you love the series you will get a kick out of replaying the fights from the series.

Buffy the Vampire Slayer for the XBOX. Please don\'t make fun of me for buying this one. I was desperate for a game that I did not own one night and this one fit the bill. Long story short. I was pleasantly suprised by this title. Sure they recycle enemies. Sure the combo system kind of sucks. Sure the AI is a little whacked, but you get to kill vampires. There are way too few vampire games out there that don\'t totally suck. Mental note, must buy blood omen 2...... Anyhow it to me feels like a elongated bouncer. If you can make it past the training level, and the nausiating voice acting (not that it\'s bad, just that there is way too much of it) then this game is not a bad one to own. If you have not at the very least rented it. Then I would suggest doing so.

Project Gotham Racing for the XboX. The cars are pretty, but the levels aren\'t especially considering my other racing title added to my collection ralisport challenge. Bottom line it\'s no Gran Turismo.

RaliSport Challenge for the XboX. Now this is a game that if you are a racing fan and own a XboX that you should not do without. The tracks are simplistic stunning. Let me put it to you this way. When there is grass, there is grass. Like the kind that sways in the wind. As do the tree\'s. They do more than sway also. I hit a tree, and not only did it move like a 3000 pound car hit it. Some leaves fell off. The ice levels are incredible to look at. Not only during the movies, but ingame also. The ice reflects the sun the best I have seen in any game that I can remember. Now so far as gameplay goes. It feels a bit arcady, but that is not such a bad thing. Is it? Nothing like fish-tailing around corners to an extreme amount. Why Ms did not push this game over MSR will forever amaze me.

Sort of a side note. I am not becoming an XboX fanboy. It\'s just that it\'s shelf was looking a bit empty. This month will be mostly about the ps2 with 1 XboX purchase of Panzeer Dragoon. The gamecube will likely see none this month. I had planned on getting RE2, and 3 but I refuse to pay 40 bucks for these games since Capcom did not even bother to remake them. :(

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Your Latest Game Purchase and How it Fares
« Reply #251 on: January 06, 2003, 12:48:17 AM »
Just Picked up Project Gothem Racing for 12 bucks, and must say it\'s barely worth the 12 dollars.  It\'s not as fun as GT3, however the cars look a little better.  At the very least it\'s a nice addition to my collection and will be played once in a while when I have a jonesing for some Ferrari goodness.

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« Reply #252 on: January 13, 2003, 02:42:39 AM »
Just bought Shenmue 2

The game\'s production value is huge, picture GTA3 where the people on the streets have personalities and every single one is different and can speak with you.  It\'s truely like you are in Hong Kong.

The gameplay however is less action, and more exploration.  I love RPGs but this game has roughly a total of 10-20 fights in the entire game, and there\'s no leveling up, and no real character progression.  I bought the game on Friday and just finished (3 days) and unfortunetly the main character is the same exact guy as he was in the begining of the game.

Overall, I would say it was a great experience, but more of a renter than a keeper type of game.

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« Reply #253 on: January 13, 2003, 11:18:51 AM »
I beg to differ...

July 2002: If you had bought $1000.00 worth of Nortel stock one year ago, it would now be worth $49.00. Enron, $16.50 left. Worldcom, $5.00 left. If you had bought $1,000.00 worth of Budweiser beer one year ago, drank it all and turned in the cans for the 10 cent deposit, you would have $214.00. Based on the above, my current investment advice is to drink heavily and recycle.

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Your Latest Game Purchase and How it Fares
« Reply #254 on: January 14, 2003, 02:40:28 AM »
Few new things so it\'s time to get rolling.

Silhouette Mirage (PSX):  I ordered this one off Ebay for a mere 11 dollars and must say that it\'s a decent Treasure shooter.  It\'s sort of a play on that same light and dark stuff that makes Ikaruga so darn interesting, but it\'s a bit more complicated then that, especially in the later levels which ramp up in difficulty rather quickly.  Go here for a quick review of the game.

Silpheed: The Lost Planet (PS2):  Like SIlhouette Mirage, it\'s not the best thing from Treasure, but it\'s definitely a decent shooter.  The reviews that border on good to mediocre are about all I can agree with here and IGN\'s review was written by David Smith so I\'d probably give this link a try before rushing out to pick up this $13 steal which of course can be found here.

Fantavision (PS2):  Yes, it\'s mediocre.  Yes, it\'s incredibly shallow, but me and my gf have a lot of fun playing it for some reason.  Just detonating Starmine after Starmine has its own subtle sense of excitement that just can\'t be compared elsewhere.  It was true it was just a tech demo, but I picked it up for a mere $9 at EB brand new so I can\'t complain for a second.

Ico (PS2):  Yes, I reviewed this one a long time ago and saw that it was picked up and loved by just about all those looking for an interesting and involving puzzle\\action game, but when you\'re strapped for cash, you trade in what you have to to get the next big thing and now, it\'s back in my collection.  I paid only $7 for it so I feel it was more than worth the purchase.  It\'s just a great little game and my collection felt empty without it.

Dynasty Warriors 3 (Xbox):  In need of a fun two player cooperative game, one grasps for straws in order to satisfy their needs and Dynasty Warriors 3 fit the billl rather nicely.  Good action and just all out fun brawl like gameplay that can be enjoyed by all those looking for a quick thrill.  It\'s a tad on the difficult side at first, but trust me when I say you\'ll be slicing and dicing your way through the competition in just a quick hour or two.  It\'s a decent game according to gamespot so I suggest peeking at their review here.

Sim City 4 (PC):  Ah, what a great little title this turned out to be.  The graphics are beautiful and the details are just as sweet right down to the ground level with individual people roaming about the city starting riots and what not.  The beauty of it all is its grand scope which encompasses litterally a massive world that can be shaped in any way to fit your need.  Players can literally micromanage anything and it\'s recommended that they do to get the full enjoyment out of this title.  I don\'t recommend a review to read about it, but I do recommend that you go out and pick this one up so long as you have a fairly decent system beyond 1ghz with a 32mb graphics card and about 512mb of ram.

And finally, here\'s two more reviews for you all to take a look at just like with all the other updates.  Expect review quantity to start to get fairly high in the coming weeks as I start to catch up with all the work that I need to take care of including that Shenmue II review that I promised Ashford.

The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past and the Four Swords (GBA)

James Bond 007: NightFire (Xbox)

Until next week everyone!
Don\'t you ever touch my cape.


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