The story will continue where Darth Sidious/Counselor Palpatine will manipulate Anakin to join the dark side. (well duh). Padmé will be or get pregnant with the twins (Luke and leya), however Anakin will join the dark side and hunt down the jedi, then Padmé will go hide on Aldeeran, and is raised by Bail Organa. Young Luke is hidden on Tattoine with Lars Owen.
The Republic will fall and the Empire will rise, thus Palpatine\'s plans will....well..go as he planned.
And Obi Wan and Anakin will have a big fight, Obi Wan wins and Anakin falls into a lava pit or something, that\'s why as Darth Vader he needs his suit to survive. And because his body is so badly damaged his midichlorian count becomes lower so he won\'t be the super force user he was, allthough he\'s still amongst the strongest.