Dammit Ginko its not that confusing you are asking questions that are pointless!!
..*gets whip..... uhh.. for unrelated matters*..Being a dream, if he once did exist im sure they would have told us that. Telling a story in a videogame is a lot different to telling a story in a movie/book etc. You have to let the gamer assume facts. If they dont tell you he existed, then he didnt
(unless in the spin-offs they do.) But so far there is nothing to suggest that he did. But there are many subtle suggestions that he is made up by the Fayth.
And its not really dreaming. More just using their imagination. In the real world (earth?) Humans cant dream about anything that they havent seen (or perhaps imagined - through description). But you can imagine anything you want (and believe me.. i do!
). But they invented all these people and then let these people do what they want. Perhaps when the dreaming started 1000 years ago (im assuming) their dreams were based on people that existed. But because they let those people do what they want rather than control it, those people produced their own people.. and eventually Tidus.
Golly gee I\'m typing a LOT of bull****
I dont even know if that makes sense! (and it probably doesnt)
Youve gone in deeper than you are supposed to Ginko.. only God may help you now.
Why would Sin pick somebody from a dream world?
God bless Square for making the spin-offs. Although they probably still wont explain this. My guess would be that the Fayth wanted Jecht to go to the real world, in hope that HE would end their suffering. But when he didnt, they had to go with Tidus.
At the start of the game Auron appears to be summoning or helping Sin, something like this might have happened with Jecht, but it was never shown. Youre just supposed to assume dammit!
Hey Ginks.. are you gonna buy the spinoffs?