You can be upset that there are no extras included with the Gamecube, but really now, since when did console GAMING become the ridicule of those looking to watch movies? I\'m sorry, but when I buy these things, the DVD feature is merely an extra, it\'s the game that make it worth the purchase in the first place. I didn\'t buy the Playstation 2 because I needed a DVD player, I bought it because I wanted Metal Gear Solid 2, I wanted Grand Theft Auto 3, I wanted Final Fantasy X... the list goes on and on. Do you even realize how idiotic you sound for complaining that a console, meant for gaming, is being sold solely as a gaming machine? Does anyone else think this guy is the second generation of Clowd? Heck, Clowd agrees with him.
The fact of the matter is this; there are all types of people out there looking for the best deals. I know when I went computer shopping, I shopped till I dropped, then finally plunked down the cash for it. With consoles, it\'s very simple. There are currently only three choices and in the end, it comes down to price and features. Tell me what you think about the XBox and its need for a DVD remote. The feature is there, but the device will cost you an extra 20 bucks in addition to the XBox itself. Are you really willing to spend an extra 50 dollars for a PS2 DVD player that has been scoffed at by every audio and videophile in existance as being a sub-par player worthy of only the cheapest bastards on the planet?
Come to think of it, if you were really that interested in DVD to begin with, you would have done all this research on your own and realized how fool hardy your arguements are, but instead, you bash Nintendo for being and advertising what it is. When I go to Electronics Boutique, I\'m not asking for Pearly Harbor Vista Series Director\'s Cut for Playstation 2 DVD, but I\'m asking for Metal Gear Solid 2 instead. Make of that what you may, but arguing for "more bang for your buck" is moronic when your "buck" only pays for the lowest end DVD player on the market has to offer. Hey, you get what you pay for though.
***Edit: Speaking of extras, where are those 4-controller ports on the PS2?