Buffy, Outlaw Golf, Munch, Amped, PGR, Enclave, Rallisport, World Series B-ball and other sports are all fun games.
But the only ones on that list that I\'d actually reccommend is worth buying are Amped and PGR/Rallisport and if you like sports games. The rest are really only a good to rent. I won\'t buy a game if it doesn\'t have multiplayer, and sadly (this is especially true with the PS2), most good games don\'t have multi, so I guess I\'m a serial renter.
I\'d say wait until the big fall games see release. Mech Assault, Quantum Redshift, Unreal, Toe Jam and Earl, Panzer, Shenmue and maybe even Brute Force, but if truth be told, I\'m high skeptical of this game. After x-mas there\'s Crimson Skies and Midtown Madness.
If there isn\'t a game on that list that you are interested in, sell your xbox, because it\'ll be a long wait until Halo2 and Progect Ego see the light of release and by that time the xbox will be $50 (if it keeps going as it is).
You didn\'t ask for PS2, but Rygar, Contra and Burnout 2 look great.