Okay, MS/Rare now own
at least Banjo-Kazooie, Conker, and Perfect Dark. If those franchises appear anywhere, it\'s going to be on Xbox and developed by Rare. Nintendo, of course, owns all of the DK stuff and Star Fox.
1. did nintendo not have the money OR care to top m$\'s offer?
Yes. Rare offered Nintendo the chance to buy them out first, and Nintendo declined.
2. did nintendo realize the consequences of this?
Apparently. IMHO, it\'s a big loss.. but the benefits could out-weigh Rare\'s importance. Face facts.. they
are not quite as productive as they once were. Nor as talented. SFA is one game getting criticized by certain gamers (EGM, Famitsu, etc) for having too many item-collection elements among other things.
3. is polyphony next on m$\'s list?
Hehe.. if those guys are still 2nd-party, Sony is
really stupid!
4. is there a bottom to m$\'s well \'o money?
$50 billion is comparable to scratching the surface of MS\'s money.
5. does anyone miss rastalant?
Kinda. I\'ve since had to replace him with a "normal" punching bag.. *sigh*
6. does m$ realize that buying rare and broadening thier 8-14 demographic will not help thier predicament?
"Thier" predicament is fine. Even I\'m getting kind of scared of MS now. Seriously, these guys can buy whatever the hell they want. I firmly believe that you\'re going to see Tecmo go MS 1st-party soon.. then id.. then Blizzard..
And maybe even Sega somewhere down the road. Who knows? I\'m just glad I own an Xbox now.
*goes back to playing Animal Crossing*