/me claps hands slowly
Who would of thought it, gaming snobbery is alive and well.
People Games are not Fine Wines or pieces of art work.
they are a Form of Entertainment thats purely down the the Individual whether the like or dislike.
If something is Entertaining then surely it must be Entertainment- **Peter Kay line(from the sunday show) i know but it gets the point
I mean as other people has said, you can’t judge and industry purely on the sales and current situation of one gaming series.
Also you can’t blame the public for buying games that in your eyes seam inferior to ones you like.
God some people in here seam to forget the simple economic of Supply and Demand, people will buy what ever game they like and I know in some cases they make big mistakes (points at the Blind rush to get Turok evolution)
true that for every superb game a developer pushes out, there are a hand full of duff ones, but i think you wil find that the profit made from a single "Army men" type game is enough to add to the develop and produce the next MGS or HALO
But the way I like to think of it is that through this confusion ,some games do get their merit (like GTA3 for example which hasn’t even dropped out of the best selling charts since its launch) well done to DMA
Originally posted by AlteredBeast
Blade, in DBZ, Goku only uses the Genki Dama with power collected from the planet, in the finale of DBGT, SS Gogeta 4 uses the power of the universe to win.
Eric Jacob
oh p.s
God .... Eric...why am i not suprised that your a Dragon B*llocks Z fan ! i bet you even have the bed cover sheets you SAD\'O !footnote
**Peter kay is a well know and highly funny British Comedian , if you can get a hold of his series called "phenoix Nights" then do because its GREAT !