SonyFan, there IS life outside of PSX2c (Gaming-Age, join us, brother), but even so, people hype XBox games to be \'PS2 Killers\' in only the sense of gameplay. Most people (sans the most irrational TXBer) will agree they only mean in gameplay over a title. This is shown like Sega GT 2002 is the GT3 killer!! It didn\'t happen, but SGT2002 is still a good game. Enjoy them for what they are, not what a bunch of people want them to be.
Halo is the best multiplayer FPS on a console, especially if you are doing it with more than one XBox, something most games can\'t even comprehend. The slowdown is scarce and NEVER truly messes with the gameplay like a poorly coded fighting game or game like Shenmue does.
GV was never a \'PS2 killah!!!\' anywhere but your mind, btw. I hoped it was good and I happen to enjoy the game, JSRF even more so. In fact, JSRF is one of the best Sega games, along with Monkey Ball 2 and Virtua Fighter 4, to come out of Sega since going 3rd party.
Enclave was only hyped by a SMALL minority of XBox fanboys. I actually hear it is a fun game with amazing difficulty and graphics, but am definitely going to rent it first without making any judgements first.
Eric Jacob