cyclical ketogenic diet, or CKD for short. It\'s sometimes known as the Atkins diet also, but he didn\'t invent it, just marketed. The basic idea of it is to deplete your body of it\'s main fuel, Carbs, and send your body into a ketogenic state where it feeds off it\'s secondary fuel source, fat. The easiest way to do this is to limit your carb intake to below 20 grams a day. Your intake will be comprised of protiens and fats, so you\'ll eat alot of cheese, and meats, but pastas, breads and rice are out of the question. The good part is that with the CKD you can carbo load on the weekends.
The difference between the CKD and just a low carb diet is that with a low carb diet you feel lagy, and tired but with the CKD once you reach a ketgenic state, you get energized like you just took a shot of ginsing.
Another thing that helps is limit your sodas, and drink more water. The reasoning behind that is your liver is your main fat burning organ, but when you don\'t have enough water in your system your kidneys get overwhelmed and need some help from the liver. This means that your liver has to slow down on it\'s fat burning and help the kidneys.
For a laid out diet and all for the CKD just search google for it, and you\'ll find a plethora of sites devoted to it. I went on a CKD for 2 weeks and I dropped 8 pounds of fat in the first week, and then anohter 6 the next week. The beauty of the CKD is that you don\'t starve yourself, thus no catobolism (body eating it\'s own muscle), thus you never loose any muscle mass, only fat and water retantion.