Like I said, Israel should NOT be giving a free pass. HOWEVER, Israel has NEVER targeted civilians as the suicide bombers (should call them what they really are, HOMICIDE bombers) have. It has always been militant (terrorist) leaders and supporters. NEVER children and women that get the headlines (its tragic these cases happen. But NEVER were they the targets of the IDF [Israeli Defense Force] unlike the terrorist groups which are PROUD of killing civilians).
As for having their land taken away, Palistinians (a made up word by the Romans BTW) was given their land during the creation of Israel (which at the time of its creation, had a significant Jewish population). The borders were what the PLO wanted (well, without the complete destruction of Israel) at the time. In fact, there was no "Palistinian" state then either. Just Jordan. However, Arabs didn\'t think it was enough (since Israel and the Jews shouldn\'t be there at all in their thinking) and so, went and had their little war (the Six-Day War). Israel won that war and is now where it is today.
The thing is, at this point, unless all Jews are killed and Israel is no more, the violence will never stop as long as the PLO and Yasser Arafat exist and the brainwashing that is taking place with Palistinian children from their hatefilled leaders continues.
And really, ever look at a map? Look at the size of Israel, and look at the Arab nations in general. I heard a comparison once, that said the Arab nations is a football field, and Israel is a matchbox. If Israel gives half of that, think they will stop?
[edit]Dirty little other Arab nation wants the Palistinians in their territory either. Lets say, Israel is REALLY the evil monster the world believes it is, and sent all the Palistinians to another Arabic nation. Most will say no. In fact, Kuwait kicked out Palistinians nationals, as well as neigboring Jordan. The only reason why people in these nations side with the Palistinians and their "fight" isn\'t because they are great friends, but because of the common hatred. The Jews and the West [which Israel is said to be an extension of the West by many muslims, the Islamofacist]).
[edit2]BTW, NO, I\'m not saying EVERY Arab or Muslim is a terrorist. NEVER DID I STATE THIS. I am not some blind hatemonger who sees everyone in one group or another as part of everything. Just that, the LEADERS, and the Imams who spout this vile are.
They say only 1% of all Muslims believe in the bastardized version of the Koran that says that people should kill all infidels (non-muslims). The thing is, there are 1 billion followers of Islam. 1% of 1 billion is a lot of believers even though they are the obvious minority.
One day, "maybe" there will be a Palistinian state. But unless the suicide bombing stops and the leaders (PLO and Israel) get together and have real conversation and isn\'t one sided (which the "world community" like the EU and the UN), there will never be one.