Believe it or not, I\'m all through a peaceful solution to ending this conflict. IF Saddam does leave, no need for war. Heck, even other Arab ARE ASKING him to leave into exile. The problem, he isn\'t leaving. If we continue to do this thing called "containment", and Saddam is still there, that only continues him more time to develop his weapons. He has 12 years to develop them, how long do you want to continue.
"But, but...triple the inspectors! That will solve the problem!" the UN couldn\'t even find the weapons he has now. How will tripling the inspections work?
As for the Republican Guard, that "great" army couldn\'t surrender fast enough during the first Persian Gulf War (another war that was supposed to have ended disasterously). Now yes, Saddam will "try" to make this a bloody war. But if the Republican Guard did what they did the last time, it won\'t. Yes, people will die, even civilians. This, unforetuently is NOT aviodable in any war. But, if there is a war, it won\'t be another "Vietnam" either that the left likes to mantra.
Lifting the no-fly zone and lifting sanctions. Again, only if Saddam is gone. In other words, I agree with you. Now, if it is done peacefully, great! I\'m with you again. But the way the wishy washy UN is doing, peaceful solution at the moment isn\'t is still out of grasp.
Now, UN monitored elections...this I\'m fine with. Thats supposing that they can get elections which can only be done with Saddam gone.
The only flaw in your arguement I see ooseven is, the UN isn\'t even doing what you are asking! If they did, maybe I would be on their side for once. But instead, its "more inspections" instead of enforcing their own resolutions.
Second, Avatarr, WE ARE NOT GOING AT IT ALONE! I thought you knew this? We have many nations behind us. The only thing we might not be doing is doing it with the UN. And at the moment, we ARE going through the UN. Which, if anything, going with the UN has only made the situation worse. Again, you are going around in circles.
BTW, Clinton DID go at it alone when he when he bombed that "bomb making" plant in Sudan, bombed Kosovo (if you remember, the US was rejected by the UN, and Clinton went in anyways), AND when he first bombed Iraq, and when he first bombed Afghanistan. Where were you when you were complaining that we shouldn\'t go at it alone? Some precedent.