As you know, IMO, Bush is a good President (not great. Even I have some misgivings with Bush). Certainly better with Clintoon and his sex problems (and no, it was NOT all about sex. If it was, I wouldn\'t have a problem with it. The problem I had with Clintoon is, he TRIED to cover it up [you\'re the President Of the United States, isn\'t there more IMPORTANT issues to be involved rather then covering up his personal problems?], AS WELL as lying to Americans ["I did not have sex with that fat hog...ehhh...I mean that woman, Ms. Lewinsky] and LYING under oath [he told a Grand Jury that he didn\'t have sex...blah blah blah. Lying under oath, doesn\'t matter what the reason, IS breaking the law. He BROKE THE LAW]).
Now, after that diatride...

Bush is certainly better then all the Dems vying for the nomination. With the exception of Howard Dean and that good for laughs Al Sharpton (my candidate for choice

), all the other candidates (Kerry, Lieberman, Kucinich, Edwards, Graham, Gephardt) are checking the wind to see where the polls are pointing. Hence, the reason why they try to have it both ways (they gave Bush the resolution to go to war, yet they say that they oppose the war?). Kucinich is an interesting candidate, until he announced he was running for the nomination, he was pro-life. Now, he says he is pro-abortion. None of those candidates have any moral conviction even to their ideology. Howard Dean on the other hand, has been running to the left, being the most liberal and anti-war candidate of them all. But at the same time, he isn\'t a senator or congressional leader like the others. Given that he is currently last in the polls...Hmmmmmmmm.
Then there is Hillery Clinton. Not officially running, but if the Democratic Party drafts her, somehow, I have a feeling she would accept. But again, another Dem with no conviction. Says she is for war in one voice, but against Bush\'s plan on the other. Another Dem who follows the polls instead of the her conviction...if she has any. :rolleyes:
Oh, and back to Afghanistan, turns out, THERE IS NO PIPELINE. I now look like a moron thinking there was one being built. At the moment (yes, things can change, but at the moment) there are no plans to build it. Unocal had a plan to build the pipeline during the Taliban days, but all plans to build it were dropped in 2000. Can\'t even use the pipeline arguement since...its at the mement, just a "pipedream".