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Author Topic: Blix \'hid smoking gun\' from Britain and US  (Read 1417 times)

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Blix \'hid smoking gun\' from Britain and US
« Reply #45 on: March 10, 2003, 08:12:48 PM »
Originally posted by GigaShadow

Really?  Talk to any Iranians lately?  

yes i have, many of whom have lost loved ones in the war. they may not hold a grudge against Iraq .but when it comes to saddam its a whole different story

Originally posted by GigaShadow

As for your bounty comment, I am still waiting for a source. It is common knowledge Saddam and Bin Laden despise each other, but when it comes to US there is the possiblility of them putting aside their differences and working together.

i believe  that not even their common hatred towards the U.S would be enough to bring them together.

as for a source for the bounty, after searching thru the net all i could find was a report written in arabic which vaguley mentioned a bounty.
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