Go to the senior prom with a big zit on the end of your nose
Stay home out of embarrassment
-Go with a zit.
UPS or Fed Ex
-UPS, what can brown do for you?
Having children but living paycheck to paycheck for 20 years
No kids and being able to have a nice lifestyle with your spouse
-Kids, gotta make sure part of me makes it past Saturday, May 20, 2062

#4 (The classic)
Blind or Deaf or Confined to a wheelchair
You’re the judge for a heinous crime carried out by a 20 year old that the death penalty can be applied to.
Life in prison with no parole
Death Penalty
-Death Penalty
Tom Hanks or Denzel Washington
You’ve just been in a commercial plane crash. The fuselage is cracked open and there is smoke and fire. You are standing at the crack and there are little kids (not yours) still in the plane.
Stand there and hand the kids out one by one
Jump and put as much distance between you and the possible explosion.
-Honestly? I\'d try to put as much distance between me and the plane. Sigh, I\'m such a bad person.
Watching a woman’s pro basketball game in person
Reading a book of your choice for 3 hours
Far Side or Calvin and Hobbes
-Calvin and Hobbes
Walking in on your parents having sex on top of the sheets
Having your parents walking in on you having sex on top of the sheets
-I would NEVER want to see my parents doin the nasty. Ew.