Well, Turkey is a Democracy. Doesn\'t mean that their human rights abuses should be ignored because of that of coarse, and they should be condemned (which they are not...hmmmmm) but at least the oppressed can do something about it (in theory). Saudi Arabia, our "good" friends the Saudis! :rolleyes: Many conservatives (didn\'t say Republicans, conservative), heck, even liberals (didn\'t say Democrats either. Which, even those who speak out against them, only because they are against Bush) here don\'t see the Saudis as the great friends that they were during the First Gulf War for good reasons. There is a move in this nation to no longer see them as allies. But, in the mean time, we have to deal with them when concerning Iraq.
Which BTW, while improving human rights in Iraq might be the effect, it isn\'t the reason we are going in (even if you are a Bush basher and say this is a "war about oil", well that isn\'t about human rights now is it?).
As for Israel and the broken resolutions...
The many resolutions against Israel (at least 175 of them!), are all condemnation against their attacks in "Palistinians" areas and other Arab land that Israel annex for security reason. While I am NOT saying that every action Israel takes is the right action, many of those actions that were "condemned" by the UN were in responds to the suicide homicide bombers that killed many Israelis. Where are the resolutions against the Palistinians?
"Well, its because Palistinians don\'t have a nation".
One of the reasons why the Palistinians don\'t have a nation is because of all those suicide bombers. Now, you can argue that the PLO doesn\'t have the power. But their "condemnation" of the attacks against Israel are CLEARLY not as strong as the condamnation the world community gives Israel when Isreal kills one innocent boy.
And even then, even if all 175+ resolutions were justified, why does Israel have 175 resolutions against them while other nations (Rwanda, Lebanon, China, Libya, Afghanistan during the Taiban days, Sudan, Zimbabwe now, Syria, heck, even Iraq doesn\'t have that many resolutions) don\'t have even half that many? Double standard? :rolleyes:
More reasons why the UN is irellevent.