I found the original Final Destination to be one of the most unwatchable load of old bollocks ever.
To use just one example, a guys head is whacked clean off his shoulders by a chain hanging from a train and his friends don\'t show any sort of real emotions.
The lead was an irritating little sod, the rest of the cast were just American Pie rejects who forgot to pick up their bags of talent when they left the previous films set and I smiled genuinely every time someone was killed as they asked for it.
It kind of made me not want to watch the sequel.
No film is ever scary, thrilling maybe but scary is a bit of an over-statement, even such classics as The Excorcist, Texas Chainsaw Masscre, any film containing Robert Englund or any film where the killer is too much of a pussy to show his face before people die.
I prefer to not be shown everything and to be left with the uncomfortableness (is that a word?) in the back of your mind instead, always better.