Sigh... Is it a hobby of yours to question everything that is reported? Over half of the information that we get out of Iraq comes from the media (US, Arab, British) so your comment about being spoon fed is irrelevant. There have been numerious incidents of misreporting events so far and this incident will have a question mark by it for some time.
As for purposely shooting civilians... did they shoot them just for fun? I highly doubt it. Were the civilians innocent? Maybe they were, but when a soldier is on the battlefield and feels threatened he is authorized to shoot. What about those soldiers that didn\'t shoot and died? The pregnant woman and the car bomb? The taxi driver? Come on luckee, unless you have ever been in war you can\'t possibly understand how hard it is to know who is a threat and who isn\'t. Sure mistakes happen, but back to the original point of this topic, the only people that know the truth are those that were there.