Originally posted by Spudz
First of all- if your going to insult a talented artist- Spell his name right.
Second of all- Marilyn Manson (By far not my favorite, but totally kickass band) are better than any rap artist you could list. All they do is talk fast while some poor white kid makes a "phat" beat in the background. Yeah- real musical talent. ****- those thugs can come and shoot me, after all they are total badass\'s right?
Ok first of all. If you dont know many artists that are not mainstream and you cant sit down and listen to any of the stuff dont even try to say garbage like this. I listen to probably more music genre\'s than 90% of the people in this forum, (i may be wrong). The roots for instance are a great example. Jurrasic 5 and dialated peoples as well. Tupac may rap about violence but he speaks a lot of truth. You know nothing of the matter so spare me. As for manson, he isnt near any of the top rap/hip hop artists and even if that were wrong its all a matter of opinion. Your logic in the situation is flawed so please dont get all uppity when somebody doesnt like somebody from a genre that you like and perffers another.
On another note, rock, metal, shock rock, etc. is full of drugs, killing and mindless things. The only thing that could possible make them sound more sofisticated is in the way they dilineate their point of view, not to mention that a lot of artist seem to be in the same hole of partial anger and depression, (not all by far but many). Kids dont commit suicde over a tupac song, its just that some of the kids that listen to his music are ignorant in the first place. And rap isnt nearly as full of hate as metal, etc.
Please lets just not even go into this cause its all in opinion. Just think before you post