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Author Topic: Update: What\'s in your cd player - Part 2?  (Read 3540 times)

Offline kopking
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Update: What\'s in your cd player - Part 2?
« Reply #75 on: May 12, 2003, 06:28:56 AM »
been listenng to a lot of dillenger escape plan recentely.. any one heard of them?? there a noise metal band.. quite sweet.... prob spelt there name wrong though
The drunken, Liverpool supporting, bad spelling, Simpson loving, known as the drunkest of the spaminators, from England
alcohol, life would suck! pray for Mojo
beer,solving all your problems & helping ugly people have $ex since 1862.

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Update: What\'s in your cd player - Part 2?
« Reply #76 on: May 12, 2003, 06:45:45 AM »
Originally posted by kopking
been listenng to a lot of dillenger escape plan recentely.. any one heard of them?? there a noise metal band.. quite sweet.... prob spelt there name wrong though

Saw them about a month ago; insane live show. Not a huge fan, but I really like the recording with Mike Patton. They were having some technical difficulties with one of the guitars, and then the rest of the band spontaneously started playing some Justin Timberlake song. Surprisingly enough, they suspiciously knew the song all too well, though it proved to be most entertaining not only for them but the audience as well.
« Last Edit: May 12, 2003, 05:19:39 PM by Zavijava »
It may be that your sole purpose in life is simply to serve as a warning to others.

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Update: What\'s in your cd player - Part 2?
« Reply #77 on: May 12, 2003, 07:54:09 AM »
/hugs omen for mentioning The Beatles

/slaps omen for being omen

The following bands suck btw:

Linkin Park
Who is this anamoly we call Jumpman? How is he able to do what he does and still survive after years of torment? It seems he feeds on the hate, growing with an intense passion to put unassuming members in their place.

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Update: What\'s in your cd player - Part 2?
« Reply #78 on: May 12, 2003, 08:05:55 AM »
Originally posted by ##RaCeR##
Just cause I don\'t listen to ****ing 80\'s metal bands that are o\'so dead.

Get with the times old farts.

Where the **** did that come from, shower boy? Wanna take a shower? Touche some skin? Peek at some bottoms? You\'re a retard?
Who is this anamoly we call Jumpman? How is he able to do what he does and still survive after years of torment? It seems he feeds on the hate, growing with an intense passion to put unassuming members in their place.

Offline Living-In-Clip

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Update: What\'s in your cd player - Part 2?
« Reply #79 on: May 12, 2003, 01:07:32 PM »
Oh God that made my day. If you actually listen to KoRn, and know anything about the band, you would know they arent even metal. Technically it classifies under Nu Metal. RATM- now that is RapMetal.

Do you have a reading problem? When did I say Korn was metal? I never did. I said they was rap/rock. I said Limp Bizkit was rap/rock. I never once said they was metal, for cryin\' out loud. Read before you post.

And KoRn being influential. Right. They helped create a genre of crap bands. You can call it nu-metal or whatever you want. I call it rap/rock.

And it also amazes me that you call this band influential - yet they have the same damn paretnal advisarys on their cd.

And if it\'s not rap/rock how do you explain the songs where they ....*gasp*..feature a rapper?


Offline Soul Reaver
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Update: What\'s in your cd player - Part 2?
« Reply #80 on: May 12, 2003, 01:38:57 PM »
My list: (Yes, I actually listen to all of them)

Nas - Illmatic (Classic)
Nas - God\'s Son
Tupac - All albums except for the new one (Still good)
50 cent - Get rich or die tryin\' (I was skeptical at first because of the album name, but it actually has many great songs)

Why do these clueless rockers hate on rap everytime and not even give it a chance? Why is it that they hate this type of music so much? I don\'t see any hip-hop fans going around making fun of rock, damn.

Anyway, I can\'t take it when people bad mouth Tupac, he makes great rap songs that are about his life and the people around him. He doesn\'t always rap about bitches and money like most of you seem to believe.

Some really good rap songs

Nas - Life we chose
Nas - Rewind
Nas - If I ruled the world
Nas - Nas is like
Nas - One Mic
Nas - Hate me now
Nas - You\'re the man
Nas - Money is a bitch
Nas - Memory Lane
Nas - I Can
Nas - NY state of mind
Nas - Ether (Making fun of Jay-Z but I hate Jay-Z so...)
Nas - Everybody wants to rule the world
Tupac - Dear momma
Tupac - To my unborn
Tupac - Do for Love
Tupac - Are you still down? (Remember me)
Tupac - Changes
Tupac - I ain\'t mad at ya
Tupac - Thugs Mansion Acoustic version (Not really about thugs)
Tupac - Ballad of a dead soldier
Tupac - Brenda\'s got a baby
Tupac - Keep ya head up

There are more but I\'m very picky when it comes to rap.

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Update: What\'s in your cd player - Part 2?
« Reply #81 on: May 12, 2003, 01:43:51 PM »
Yeah, I\'m with you Soul. I can listen to Punk/Rock/Alternative/Rap/R&B equally. I pity those who are so narrow-minded when it comes to music.

Tupac - Changes = My favorite rap song, evar!111

Offline Knotter8
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Update: What\'s in your cd player - Part 2?
« Reply #82 on: May 12, 2003, 03:00:47 PM »
yeah.... alot of the time it seems as if it\'s all become a competition about which music ;

the more tough ( either it be \'loud\', \'tough attitude which goes with it\', foul language, etc... ) = better.

when ppl list so-called \'soft\' music like r&b ballads or certain folk music they\'re insulted of being ghey or some other insult. Why ? :o  Music is about what you just like to hear. That is the only criterium which justifies buying a cd. Otherwise you\'ll be a poser and you\'ll only deceive yourself and hurt your wallet needlessly. I\'m pragmatic at music and i pick individual songs from different genres. Heck I even would list sound bites, videogame sounds and music and certain noises as "music". Ppl need to think \'outside of the box\'.
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Update: What\'s in your cd player - Part 2?
« Reply #83 on: May 12, 2003, 03:36:53 PM »
Korn was good on the first album, life is Peachy was nicely dark. The rest is rubbish IMO

I agree. Untouchables is some bad stuff. Sounds more Powerman-5000\'ish. Some kickass songs though.

And KoRn being influential. Right. They helped create a genre of crap bands.

So you first say they arent influental, noted by your sarcasm. Then say they are influentual by creating "crap bands"?. Damn- I\'d like to see you many any decent music. Even play an instrument? Every band has talent. Some less, some more than others. Rappers dont play any instruments.

And it also amazes me that you call this band influential - yet they have the same damn paretnal advisarys on their cd.
If you were to actually get your ideas straight I could connect and make a decent argument here. But your saying they arent influental, and yet saying they are, and still saying they are crappy influence.

And if it\'s not rap/rock how do you explain the songs where they ....*gasp*..feature a rapper?

*gasp* Many headbangers have rap fans and friends. Ice Cube and all those other rappers were asked. KoRn couldve done fine. Ask any KoRn fan. All In The Family, and Children Of the KoRn, are the worst songs.

--- Jumpman ---
The following bands suck btw:

Linkin Park

Now your just saying that just to piss me off. Download some of these songs Jumpman. And yes Linkin Park- I agree ****ing sucks;

KoRn - Daddy
KoRn - Low Rider (To show they arent just all heavy metal)
KoRn - Thoughtless (About the pain caused by school shootings)
KoRn - Alone I break
KoRn - Blind (One of the best songs by them)
More but Im tired.

Marilyn Manson (By far not my favorite, but totally kickass band) are better than any rap artist you could list. All they do is talk fast while some poor white kid makes a "phat" beat in the background. Yeah- real musical talent. ****- those thugs can come and shoot me, after all they are total badass\'s right?

So because I said Marilyn Manson is better than any rapper you could list. Its into this thing where I totally hate rap. Their are a few old songs I like. Run DMC, Nas, and a few others that I decently like. And even own CD\'s of a few.

Dont get me wrong- Rap is alright, But rock/metal ****ing owns rap.

Edit** think im narrow-minded?

my winamp playlist includes:

Less than Jake
The Vines
Powerman 5000
Marilyn Manson
Me First and the Gimmie Gimmies
Screeching Weasel
Tool (Basically every song made by them)
Rage against the machine
Limp Bizkit (Earlier stuff)
Nine Inch Nails
Red Hot Chili Peppers
Alice In Chains
Aerosmith (Bleh)
Vanilla Ice
(Various Techno)
Reel Big Fish
Queens of the stone age
Green Day
System of a down
Cradle of Filth
The Crystal Method
The Ramones

Bleh, im tired. **** it- havent even gotten into 1/4
« Last Edit: May 12, 2003, 03:44:11 PM by (e) »
Think for yourself. Question authority.

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Update: What\'s in your cd player - Part 2?
« Reply #84 on: May 12, 2003, 03:39:08 PM »
In my CD player I currently have nothing.... I hooked up the XM over the week and Damn, I am impressed.  I keep it tuned to the 90\'s and the top 20, and the Alternative stations... and if nothin is on there, I have a plethora of other choices and if I don\'t feel like music, ESPN/FOX?Sporting News, or the Comedy channel where I hear standups 24/7... I have it all and I like it.  I can get any type of music I want to listen to at any point in time, from Rap, to Alternative, to Classical and Jazz, to Latin or World music.  I love it.  I agree with you Vapor, being narrow minded is a boring way of listening to music, I like almost everything, except some country western stuff, but not all of it I hate


Offline Living-In-Clip

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Update: What\'s in your cd player - Part 2?
« Reply #85 on: May 12, 2003, 06:03:36 PM »
Rappers dont play any instruments.

You smoke a lot of crack, don\'t you? That\'s the only way possible for you to come up with such dumbass statements.

First off, let\'s see you write a song where every line and lyric ryhmes in perfect harmony. And as for them not playing instruments - plenty of them do.

You seem to have an un-natrual hatred for rap , which I don\'t understand. Music is music and it\'s all art. You don\'t have to like it - but just because you don\'t like it, doesn\'t mean it is all bad or talentless. And if you\'re goin\' to argue the point, you need to at least get your facts straight, instead of blurting out stuff that is just plain idiotic.

You argue that all rap is about is bitches / money / fame and what not. Yet, you forget that most "nu-metal" and altertinve music is fueled by simple angst. Nothing more. And I\'m sure you\'ll bring up some song , like the one KoRn did about school shootings - well guess what? There is also rap songs with actual meanings and relations to the events happening in the world. You\'re just too damn close minded to actually accept the fact that rap is a respectable genre, just the same as you\'re "nu-metal".

Offline Lord Nicon
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Update: What\'s in your cd player - Part 2?
« Reply #86 on: May 12, 2003, 06:51:08 PM »
Originally posted by Spudz

I agree. Untouchables is some bad stuff. Sounds more Powerman-5000\'ish. Some kickass songs though.

So you first say they arent influental, noted by your sarcasm. Then say they are influentual by creating "crap bands"?. Damn- I\'d like to see you many any decent music. Even play an instrument? Every band has talent. Some less, some more than others. Rappers dont play any instruments.

 If you were to actually get your ideas straight I could connect and make a decent argument here. But your saying they arent influental, and yet saying they are, and still saying they are crappy influence.

*gasp* Many headbangers have rap fans and friends. Ice Cube and all those other rappers were asked. KoRn couldve done fine. Ask any KoRn fan. All In The Family, and Children Of the KoRn, are the worst songs.

Now your just saying that just to piss me off. Download some of these songs Jumpman. And yes Linkin Park- I agree ****ing sucks;

KoRn - Daddy
KoRn - Low Rider (To show they arent just all heavy metal)
KoRn - Thoughtless (About the pain caused by school shootings)
KoRn - Alone I break
KoRn - Blind (One of the best songs by them)
More but Im tired.

So because I said Marilyn Manson is better than any rapper you could list. Its into this thing where I totally hate rap. Their are a few old songs I like. Run DMC, Nas, and a few others that I decently like. And even own CD\'s of a few.

Dont get me wrong- Rap is alright, But rock/metal ****ing owns rap.

Edit** think im narrow-minded?

my winamp playlist includes:

Less than Jake
The Vines
Powerman 5000
Marilyn Manson
Me First and the Gimmie Gimmies
Screeching Weasel
Tool (Basically every song made by them)
Rage against the machine
Limp Bizkit (Earlier stuff)
Nine Inch Nails
Red Hot Chili Peppers
Alice In Chains
Aerosmith (Bleh)
Vanilla Ice
(Various Techno)
Reel Big Fish
Queens of the stone age
Green Day
System of a down
Cradle of Filth
The Crystal Method
The Ramones

Bleh, im tired. **** it- havent even gotten into 1/4

Not so diverse to me. Lots of people that fall into the rock side of things tend to venture around that same area. The only thing that is truely diverse would be The Crystal Method, Run DMC,
Vanilla Ice and Queen. I replied to you once and i guess you didnt read it. If you say Rock "ownz" rap its only a matter of opinion and none of us care to hear such mindless garbage. If thats what you think then thats great but bringing your pride to the table where you could totally be the opposite of somebody else can alwasy cause conflict.

How is this for diverse:
Tribe called quest
Chucho Valdes
Wutang Clan
Joe Satriani
LTJ Bukem
DJ Freaky Flow
ONA (polish metal)
Chili Peppers
The roots
MC Solar (french)
Utada Hikaru
Ayumi Hamasaki
Reel Big Fish
Mustard Plug
Redman and Method Man
Duke Ellington
Arch Enemy
Ill Nino
the list goes on and on probably almost 1000 at least.
« Last Edit: May 12, 2003, 06:53:58 PM by Lord Nicon »
Originally posted by ##RaCeR##
I don\'t have comprehension issues, you just need to learn how to communicate.
Yessir massir ima f*** you up reeeeal nice and homely like. uh huh, yessum ; ).
Debra Lafave Is My Hero ;) lol

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Update: What\'s in your cd player - Part 2?
« Reply #87 on: May 12, 2003, 09:01:07 PM »
Originally posted by Lord Nicon
Mustard Plug

w00t! They\'re good stuff :)

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Update: What\'s in your cd player - Part 2?
« Reply #88 on: May 13, 2003, 10:02:35 AM »
Originally posted by The Stapler

w00t! They\'re good stuff :)

Hell yeah :D
Originally posted by ##RaCeR##
I don\'t have comprehension issues, you just need to learn how to communicate.
Yessir massir ima f*** you up reeeeal nice and homely like. uh huh, yessum ; ).
Debra Lafave Is My Hero ;) lol

Offline Living-In-Clip

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Update: What\'s in your cd player - Part 2?
« Reply #89 on: May 13, 2003, 11:56:02 AM »
Speaking of music - I got the new Marilyn Manson cd today. Crap, just like the previous one. I swear, he needs to get back to the basics, though I would imagine that is hard to do when you lost the heart and soul of the band (Twiggy!).

(*note* When I say "heart and soul" I mean the truly talented one. Twiggy wrote all the songs (musical - not lyrics) for Antichrist-Superstar and the previous albums. He was the man. Mix Manson\'s lyric with Twiggy\'s music and it\'s gold. )


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