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Author Topic: Nasty!!!!  (Read 3056 times)

Offline Living-In-Clip

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« Reply #60 on: May 20, 2003, 11:05:25 AM »
Blah, blah blah.

You people also forget at one time it was considered a terrible thing to get a tattoo and some states banned them (and still have \'em banned). However, they became more and more common and now almost every damn person has one.

And I never said ear piercing was new to Western Culture - I said it was a standard. However, it is not part of our culture. It holds no actual religious meaning, therefor it is not part of the culture. It is just a standard body modification.

The "dumb" ones are the ones who cannot accept that as long as people have a body, then people will push the limits and try to modify their body to see fit. And all it takes is for someone famous to get it done and then more and more of these damn kids will emulate it and before you know it, it won\'t be as freaky as you once thought it was. The same thing happened with the tongue piercing and what not.

Offline kopking
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« Reply #61 on: May 21, 2003, 12:50:06 PM »
i must say only this monday i decided after thinking about it a long time to get my labret pierced... i was a bit nervous, and didnt know what to expect, and went with a mate that has had a few piercings, as he was getting his eye brow done again, as the other piercings had grown out...

well needless to say how they was saying about it, i was a bit nervous, as i didnt know what it was gonna feels like....

i thought it was gonna hurt, but not to sound like a saddistic, it felt really good getting pierced.... lips still a bit swollen, and sometimes eating can be a bitch, as the piercing gets  stuck on my teeth, as the bar at mo is massive..... but i really like it, and liked the feeling of it. might get some more soon
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« Reply #62 on: May 21, 2003, 02:31:49 PM »
wow. thats interesting. Yeah im getting my eyebrow pierced and some junk. Im not into the whole tounge thing. I would just be annoyed and i would never get a lip ring either. Eyebrows are just out of the way so it can look alright but you forget about it so you dont f*** with it.
Originally posted by ##RaCeR##
I don\'t have comprehension issues, you just need to learn how to communicate.
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Offline cloud345
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« Reply #63 on: May 21, 2003, 03:12:39 PM »
And I never said ear piercing was new to Western Culture - I said it was a standard. However, it is not part of our culture. It holds no actual religious meaning, therefor it is not part of the culture. It is just a standard body modification.

  Since when does something have to be religious to be cultural? Salvewry was part of the ancient Egyption culture and it wasnt religous.
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Offline Skyrider666
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« Reply #64 on: May 21, 2003, 05:24:08 PM »
Originally posted by Living-In-Clip

The "dumb" ones are the ones who cannot accept that as long as people have a body, then people will push the limits and try to modify their body to see fit. And all it takes is for someone famous to get it done and then more and more of these damn kids will emulate it and before you know it, it won\'t be as freaky as you once thought it was. The same thing happened with the tongue piercing and what not.

WTF??? because lots of people have them I will not think they are stupid looking???

The "dumb" ones are the ones who can\'t accept that others have the right to think they look crap.
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Offline square_marker
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« Reply #65 on: May 21, 2003, 07:05:40 PM »
That\'s pretty freaking gross.  I dont believe in tattoos and all the jazz so I wont voice my opinionated ignorant opinion.

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Offline Living-In-Clip

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« Reply #66 on: May 21, 2003, 10:24:31 PM »
First off, I didn\'t say you wouldn\'t think it was nasty. I said that once it becomes more popular, more people will accept it. That\'s simple facts of life, otherwise tattoo\'s wouldn\'t of caught on. You need to think back when tattoo\'s was just for "outlaws", but then marines came back with them from WW2 and other\'s came back..Then it slowly and slowly became more and more accepted, \'till the point it is almost the normal now.

As for labret piercings. I had one at one time, but the way my gums are, the stud at the back constantly rubbed and caused slow gum reccession. I noticed it early on and got rid of it. In place, I got a "medusa" which is the top lip , instead of the bottom.

Eyebrow piercings are good - but I recommend using a bar instead of ring. You don\'t know pain until you rip an eyebrow ring out or come close to it. And it\'ll happen, it happens to almost everyone.

I never said you can\'t think something is nasty - but judging the people and calling them "stupid" for doin\' what they see fit to THEIR bodies, is their right. It does not effect you. No one is forcing it onto you.  You\'re given a body and it is your personal right to do what you need and want to do to it.

Offline Terry Bogard
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« Reply #67 on: May 21, 2003, 11:03:01 PM »
I have my eyebrow, and tongue, plan on getting my left ear, or both ears done sometime.

But this whole debate over pericings, and or what body modifications are done to one\'s body is kinda lame though.  

But i agree with LIC on everything he\'s said so far. Body mutalation just from pericings? Thats just retarded.  

I find it that a tongue pericing is average, and not really OUT of this world or un ordinary, same goes for eyebrow.

Edit: LIC do you still have ICQ?

Offline kopking
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« Reply #68 on: May 22, 2003, 01:10:50 AM »
yeah, i was gonna have just a bar in my eyebow anyways, i dont really like rings in there.... yea ive heard you can have it rubbing on your gums.. at the moment i dont have no rubbing.... plus i cant really tell till i have the smaller bar put in next thurs, but at mo everything seems good..... except when i catch it when im eating....arggghhhhhh
The drunken, Liverpool supporting, bad spelling, Simpson loving, known as the drunkest of the spaminators, from England
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Offline Skyrider666
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« Reply #69 on: May 22, 2003, 04:56:09 PM »
Originally posted by Living-In-Clip
First off, I didn\'t say you wouldn\'t think it was nasty. I said that once it becomes more popular, more people will accept it. That\'s simple facts of life, otherwise tattoo\'s wouldn\'t of caught on. You need to think back when tattoo\'s was just for "outlaws", but then marines came back with them from WW2 and other\'s came back..Then it slowly and slowly became more and more accepted, \'till the point it is almost the normal now.

As for labret piercings. I had one at one time, but the way my gums are, the stud at the back constantly rubbed and caused slow gum reccession. I noticed it early on and got rid of it. In place, I got a "medusa" which is the top lip , instead of the bottom.

Eyebrow piercings are good - but I recommend using a bar instead of ring. You don\'t know pain until you rip an eyebrow ring out or come close to it. And it\'ll happen, it happens to almost everyone.

I never said you can\'t think something is nasty - but judging the people and calling them "stupid" for doin\' what they see fit to THEIR bodies, is their right. It does not effect you. No one is forcing it onto you.  You\'re given a body and it is your personal right to do what you need and want to do to it.

Yeah,that sounds reasonable to me.It\'s just the piercing I don\'t like,I wouldn\'t hate a person beacause of it.
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Offline Skyrider666
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« Reply #70 on: May 22, 2003, 05:14:17 PM »
Originally posted by Terry Bogard

But i agree with LIC on everything he\'s said so far. Body mutalation just from pericings? Thats just retarded.  

If you actually read the thread it was about slicing your tongue in two.
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