Well, I OWN Tron, Osamu Tezuka\'s Metropolis, and The Matrix.
I DON\'T think that any of them are a rehash of another, though if you want to find common elements, you can (especially if your looking at "bad guy" "good guy" type elements). What I can say, mm, is that you shouldn\'t judge the matrix based on the past work of the brothers (ie, assasins). The godfather series were all written/directed by the same guys, and we know how they stack up. The director of tron did other movies... all crap.. and now he\'s filming a sequel to tron - maybe a gem, maybe just a crappy sequel.
I think that you should take off the blinkers that you wear coming into a regular hollywood movie that pre-concieve that the movie is going to suck, because amidst the crap that hollywood churns out these days, there are movies that are just excellent.
The Matrix was one of them.
The Matrix reloaded was not.
Other excellent (hollywood type) movies: Fight club, Signs, Dark City, Gladiator, Ghost in the Shell.
Everyone is entitled to their opinions, and IMHO, your cynical movie-world view is what is preventing you from finding and enjoying some very good movies.