I\'ll add my opinion, having not seen any of those old movies mm mentioned because I\'m too busy watching shitty ones in theaters. ;]
I liked the first Matrix a lot and watched it twice to fully understand it. To me it was a new idea and I liked the way it was realistically presented. I believed it could happen. And the way he used his mind to stop bullets was awesome to imagine.
But the second one, I think they got carried away. Guys jumping on cars and cart-wheeling through ball rooms, it went from being real to me, to being cartoony for the sake of cartoony.
I\'d say the whole plot of Matrix 2 and how it added to the original could have been conveyed in about thirty seconds of storytelling. Hopefully the third will clear up some plot holes like who the hell is a keymaker, and more specifically, does it really matter.
The car chase scene seemed pretty pointless as did a lot of the scenes looking back on it. He hit a truck with a sword, by the way, heh.
So in a lot of ways I can see why someone might not like Matrix 2, or especially rank it among cinema\'s greatest.
I\'ll still stick up for the first one though. That one didn\'t seem so cliche to me, but from what I\'ve read, maybe it\'s all been done before too.
Having said that, I\'ll see the third one, cuz dammit, I want to know how the second one ends, heh.
Oh, and as for the game, I\'ve heard a lot of mixed opinions from gamers, online media, and the press, but I was still interested in it. Course, I just read Spiderman is $20 now, so I think I\'ll get that instead.
