I prefer cats. Cat\'s clean themselves and don\'t bug me twenty four hours a day. I don\'t need an animal that just wants to sit next to me or on me. My cat comes and goes as he wants (though he never goes outside). Sometimes he\'ll jump up on my bed and sleep with me and other times, if I go to pet him, he walks away. He is indepent, which is what I like.
Now we also have a dog - a chiuaha (or wtf ever). He is pretty cool - but very needy. He is constantly wanting to be petted, or licking on you. Sometimes it gets old.
On that note : The only true cool dogs are german shepards. They are the shit. I was raised with one and she was the greatest member of my family (yes, I considered her a member of the family). She was loyal , smart and independant.
R.I.P Jezzebell!