Originally posted by mm
nvidia will sell 3x more budget cards than ati can dream of
yer pissed:
a. you bought a frickin budget card and thought it wouldnt be one
b. you had to take it back, couldnt afford the good one, and had to buy an Ati to justify yourself
yer kidding right? i play at 1600x1200 32bit 4xFSAA 8xAF and 60 fps. my laptop plays at 1280x1024......you running a p3 450 machine?
I\'m not gonna argue with u about the 100% thing coz it\'s a different perspective of calculation..:snore:
And so what if nvidia sold 100 million budget cards previously?? Then was then. This is now. I admit they did fantastic budget cards previously...otherwise, I wouldn\'t have bought so many of their previous budget cards either. But let\'s not be blinded by history and looks at what the companies have to offer TODAY.
(a) I bought a budget card and expect it to be DECENT. GF2Ti met my expetaction more than 1 year ago, no complains.
(b) Yes, I took it back coz it sucks so hard and couldn\'t beat my old GF2Ti. I look around what\'s the next best thing in this budget range and found the 9100 met my criteria. Took it home, expecting it to be decent but it\'s BETTER THAN DECENT. Am I a happy man?? You bet.
Playing at 1600X1200 with 4XAA?? Do you understand the word BUDGET??? And yes, I\'m not ashamed to admit that I runs on a very humble XP1800@2000, 256MB SDRAM(yep, only SDRAM), KT133A chipset, a mobo that is 2 YEARS old(Soltek variant...damn good value for money!!!). And only have a puny 15" monitor. Why do I need 1600x1200??
Remember u get what u pay for?? I\'m not expecting a Ferarri with an Old Mustang and I actually put that to pratice...not just all talk..liek some people here.
I\'ve set my target performance & budget, get the stuff within my budget and if it met my performance requirement, I\'m satisfied. And if it EXCEEDs my expectattion like the 9100, I\'M SOLD!!!!
Ha! Ha!