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Author Topic: Move over Nvidia, ATI is king for price/performance!  (Read 3365 times)

Offline Paul
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Move over Nvidia, ATI is king for price/performance!
« on: May 26, 2003, 05:31:50 PM »
Recently bought a FX5200(I\'m a budget gamer...all i need to play is RTS, not FPS games, so budget card should be good enuf)...guys, this gotta be the crappiest piece of sillicon I\'ve ever wasted my money on. In fact the frame rates is so bad it actually score LOWER than my GF2Ti in the 3DMark 2001 test, although it manage to beat it\'s overall score due to the fact it\'s a DX9 card and can complete all the Nature and Pixel shader tests.

so I return it for an ATI Radeon 9100...and guess what...I get nearly 100%(that\'s double!) the frame rates in almost every test and best of all, the image quality of ATI is unbeatable. The color is just so vibrant!!

And most ATI Radeon 9100 are either same or priced cheaper than FX5200, some sites reported that this card is only about 10 to 15 percent worst than a GF4Ti, but the price is way cheaper.

also, the variant of 9100 i bought has 3.5ns memory..and default 500Mhz RAM speed!!

Nvidia may have the fatest card on the planet in the FX5900(which is still debatable with the recent cheat claims), but it seems like anything below that lose out to ATI in terms of price/performance for DX9 card. (Although ATI, still haven\'t an equivalent DX9 budget card like FX5200...but the FX5200 is SO BUDGETED it\'s useless).

ATI is king!!

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Move over Nvidia, ATI is king for price/performance!
« Reply #1 on: May 26, 2003, 05:55:47 PM »
Preach on!!!!!!!

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Move over Nvidia, ATI is king for price/performance!
« Reply #2 on: May 26, 2003, 06:17:11 PM »

key word - budget

oh and 100% would be the same, not double. sheesh
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Move over Nvidia, ATI is king for price/performance!
« Reply #3 on: May 26, 2003, 08:11:22 PM »
lol, u bought an fx5200. u were better off buying a gf3 or an ati in the first place. the fx5200 is nothing but a gf4 MX420 with dx9 capability.
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Move over Nvidia, ATI is king for price/performance!
« Reply #4 on: May 26, 2003, 08:42:07 PM »
\"Leave the gun. Take the cannoli.\" - Clemenza

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Move over Nvidia, ATI is king for price/performance!
« Reply #5 on: May 26, 2003, 08:50:34 PM »
Originally posted by mm

key word - budget

oh and 100% would be the same, not double. sheesh

Nope. U\'re wrong. 100% as in 100% increase. from 15fps to 30fps in the Nature test. That\'s 100% increase in fps from the original 15fps, and double the frame rates. Hee-hee.

and btw, budget and mainstream is where the most money is to be make, not the top end. And ATI is THE hands down winner with 9500/9600/9700 in these range...beat the crap out of any FX cards. In fact, the FX cards are so embarrasing it didn\'t even do much better than a GF4Ti...

And the image quality of ATI is just..
:bounce: :clown: :bounce: :clown: :bounce: :clown: :bounce:

What\'s the point of having insane frame rates when the image quality looks like crap??

Man, I love ATI!!!

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Move over Nvidia, ATI is king for price/performance!
« Reply #6 on: May 26, 2003, 08:54:52 PM »
Originally posted by Tyrant
lol, u bought an fx5200. u were better off buying a gf3 or an ati in the first place. the fx5200 is nothing but a gf4 MX420 with dx9 capability.

Yeah, i did do some research and most sites are saying the FX5200 is like 30% better than GF4MX...and there\'s hardly any comparison done between FX5200 and an ATI 9100. Now, i think those sites are on crack.(or just paid by nvidia).

And GF3 cards is about as easy to get as a Dinosaur nowdays. They\'ve virtually disappear from most stores.

Now, I\'m playing  C&C:Generals in 1024x768x32 with HIGH setting...and I still get decent frame rates with great image quality!!! Woo-Hooooo!!!

I Love ATI

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Move over Nvidia, ATI is king for price/performance!
« Reply #7 on: May 27, 2003, 03:40:00 AM »
you said "I get nearly 100%(that\'s double!) the frame rates".
that means the same.  if you said 100% more, or 100% times, it would be different.  until then........

nvidia will sell 3x more budget cards than ati can dream of

yer pissed:

a.  you bought a frickin budget card and thought it wouldnt be one
b.  you had to take it back, couldnt afford the good one, and had to buy an Ati to justify yourself

I\'m playing C&C:Generals in 1024x768x32 with HIGH setting...and I still get decent frame rates with great image quality!!! Woo-Hooooo!!!

yer kidding right?  i play at 1600x1200 32bit 4xFSAA 8xAF and 60 fps.  my laptop plays at 1280x1024......you running a p3 450 machine?
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Move over Nvidia, ATI is king for price/performance!
« Reply #8 on: May 27, 2003, 03:57:26 AM »
I\'ve got a saying. Never buy a budget card and expect good results or on par to higher end versions of the cards.. You get what you pay for. It\'s really that simple.
  Ǧµî✟å® Ĵµñķîë!!  

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Move over Nvidia, ATI is king for price/performance!
« Reply #9 on: May 27, 2003, 04:14:37 AM »

it\'s like buying a ford focus, when you really wanted that mustang..then going around and saying w00t!!! the color on this ford focus is unbelievable!!!!!!!!  OMFG!!!!!!   man, i love my ford focus!!!!!!!!!!  it gets 100% the fps of the mustang and only cost 1/2 the price!!!!!  ford focus r0x0rs my b0x0rs!!!!

...or something like that

for the clueless out there (rtfm!)
\"Leave the gun. Take the cannoli.\" - Clemenza

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Move over Nvidia, ATI is king for price/performance!
« Reply #10 on: May 27, 2003, 05:01:12 AM »
Hmmm seems we have some Nvidia fanboys here ;)

Seriously though, ATI is where its at right now concerning video cards.  Since Voodoo was bought by Nvidia, all I have owned or even considered buying were Nvidia products, that is until I built my new PC and after doing some research I decided to give ATI a try.  I am very pleased with the performance of my 9500 Pro and felt it was well worth the $199 I paid for it.  ATI has really stepped it up and I am glad I didn\'t let my loyalty to Nvidia blind my choice.
« Last Edit: May 27, 2003, 07:01:54 AM by GigaShadow »
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Move over Nvidia, ATI is king for price/performance!
« Reply #11 on: May 27, 2003, 05:40:29 AM »
Originally posted by GigaShadow
Hmmm seems we have some Nvidia fanboys here ;)

Seriously though, ATI is where its at right now concerning video cards.  Since Voodoo was bought by Nvidia, all I have owned or even considered buying where Nvidia products, that is until I built my new PC and after doing some research I decided to give ATI a try.  I am very pleased with the performance of my 9500 Pro and felt it was well worth the $199 I paid for it.  ATI has really stepped it up and I am glad I didn\'t let my loyalty to Nvidia blind my choice.

Hee-hee...yep, blind loyalty is the worst...Nvidia did an excellent job previously but now, they just suck. Glad I moved camp to greener grass.  But i guess we all know who\'s the really pissed off fan boy here....ha-ha!!

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Move over Nvidia, ATI is king for price/performance!
« Reply #12 on: May 27, 2003, 05:42:22 AM »
Originally posted by §ôµÏG®ïñD
I\'ve got a saying. Never buy a budget card and expect good results or on par to higher end versions of the cards.. You get what you pay for. It\'s really that simple.

But you\'re wrong...I get shit with the FX5200...and it\'s MORE EXPENSIVE than a 9100!!! The common "u get what u pay" certainly didn\'t apply here!!!

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Move over Nvidia, ATI is king for price/performance!
« Reply #13 on: May 27, 2003, 05:53:47 AM »
Originally posted by mm

nvidia will sell 3x more budget cards than ati can dream of

yer pissed:

a.  you bought a frickin budget card and thought it wouldnt be one
b.  you had to take it back, couldnt afford the good one, and had to buy an Ati to justify yourself

yer kidding right?  i play at 1600x1200 32bit 4xFSAA 8xAF and 60 fps.  my laptop plays at 1280x1024......you running a p3 450 machine?

I\'m not gonna argue with u about the 100% thing coz it\'s a different perspective of calculation..:snore:

And so what if nvidia sold 100 million budget cards previously?? Then was then. This is now. I admit they did fantastic budget cards previously...otherwise, I wouldn\'t have bought so many of their previous budget cards either. But let\'s not be blinded by history and looks at what the companies have to offer TODAY.

(a) I bought a budget card and expect it to be DECENT. GF2Ti met my expetaction more than 1 year ago, no complains.

(b) Yes, I took it back coz it sucks so hard and couldn\'t beat my old GF2Ti. I look around what\'s the next best thing in this budget range and found the 9100 met my criteria. Took it home, expecting it to be decent but it\'s BETTER THAN DECENT. Am I a happy man?? You bet.

Playing at 1600X1200 with 4XAA?? Do you understand the word BUDGET??? And yes, I\'m not ashamed to admit that I runs on a very humble XP1800@2000, 256MB SDRAM(yep, only SDRAM), KT133A chipset, a mobo that is 2 YEARS old(Soltek variant...damn good value for money!!!). And only have a puny 15" monitor. Why do I need 1600x1200??

Remember u get what u pay for?? I\'m not expecting a Ferarri with an Old Mustang and I actually put that to pratice...not just all talk..liek some people here.

I\'ve set my target performance & budget, get the stuff within my budget and if it met my performance requirement, I\'m satisfied. And if it EXCEEDs my expectattion like the 9100, I\'M SOLD!!!!

Ha! Ha!

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Move over Nvidia, ATI is king for price/performance!
« Reply #14 on: May 27, 2003, 06:28:47 AM »
Originally posted by Paul

But you\'re wrong...I get shit with the FX5200...and it\'s MORE EXPENSIVE than a 9100!!! The common "u get what u pay" certainly didn\'t apply here!!!

for nvidia...   it does.
  Ǧµî✟å® Ĵµñķîë!!  


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