Originally posted by ##RaCeR##
i don\'t want to get off the topic, but there is nothing wrong with believing in god. If theres no proof that he exists then that also means theres no proof he DOESNT exist. Considering that sources OTHER than the Bible proove that Jesus existed, AND that he performed incredible miricles, it just all makes sense.
Racer if something didn\'t exist, you cannot prrof it, and never will.
The problem is that we, grown up in a catholic society, believe that our religion is the true one, the best, the authentic... anybody can believe in the gods of the black people in a forgotten small island of the Pacific who are a rounded white stone and a tree with bird shape? That would be stupid.
Well, the same stupid that our religion. There is no difference in between that white stone and the thing we call GOD. None of those items have any value, nor have any mysthical power. They are only the result of our intelligence. Yes you heard well. Mankind, since the raising of his coefficient needs something "in which believe" in order to explain those things that, apparently, have not a response.
And what would be better than create a super-man with super-powers, that can do everything, including life? A good solution, but also a stupid solution. GODS and religions have all the same starting: SECTS. Yes, catholicism, buddhism and all that crap began with a small group, generally headed by a fool with fool ideas. What happened with these big religions is that, due to economical, cultural and social factors, they grew up becoming an important part of the population\'s life.
There is evidence that Jesus existed, of course. Who does say not? But he wasn\'t a superman arrived from the heaven... nah, it was a political, revolutionary, fool man that created the sect of the catholicism. That\'s all. Later on, the followers of this sect (can anyone, BTW, tell me the difference between a sect and religion: there isn\'t) supported it with books, greatest reading and superb facts carried on by the spiritual leader of the group. History turns people into what it is interested on. If population needed to believe in a heaven guy, they created a heaven guy. That\'s all. If the lost people in the rainforest need to believe in the creature that bring \'em the daily food, they will create and will believe in that "god", that\'s all. This is all a lie.
Do you know why mankind created the first heroic creatures/lengendary men/gods? Because they couldn\'t understand the status of the life after dying. It\'s impossible for our mind to understand that with the death, we\'ll miss everything, even our experience and life: everything! and that\'s something our mind is not prepared to. That\'s a tramp of our intelligence... and there\'s a logical necessity to create a scape to have hope. And that hope, in our society is religion, catholicism, god and heaven... (don\'t forget that after dying you will go there........)
That\'s all about religion: a sham for our own interest... doesn\'t matter what it is (here our life after life and the good behaviour in life, in other part of the world it may be the necssety for daily food and water...).
But we\'re on 21th cnetury and I do think that religion is out of place. Perhaps to all those close-minds that still think that everything is not over with death it has a necessary importance... for the rest I can\'t see that interest.
Religion nowadays is a source for problems, frauds, crimes and all that crap. Do u know the money church gets from the government every month? You may be surprised with the amount it is robbering you.
Well, those are my thoughts, that aren\'t very far from reality I believe.